Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 9.8 for me today.
Morning all. Slightly high 8.3 for me today - went out last night tho so I'm happy I landed in single figures.
Plus been up all night as my mum now has my vomiting bug - bugger :(. At least she's living with me for a few weeks so I can look after her.

Have a great hump day everyone
Oh Dear I hope she recovers quickly.
Good morning 🙂 6.7 for me today after a lie-in - woke at 4am, closed my eyes, opened them and it was 7:45am! I suppose I must have needed it! 🙄

Good luck today @khskel 🙂 I hope your Mum recovers quickly @grainger 🙂 @Carolg, I'm a little concerned that you always seem to wake in double figures - I can't remember, are you on any medication? If not, it might be time to start thinking of it. Although I know many Type 2s strive to stop or stay off medication, if you pancreas is unable to meet your needs then you need some support from some extra chemicals - no shame or failure involved, it's just the way things are.
Hello there.🙂 3.3 here. Getting fed up now with the fasting BG hypo~hyper roller coaster.:confused: Roll on April when I see Dr Boots again and get to try out Tresiba - sorry Lantus, you're useless!😱
And top of the mornin' to you all too!

Just taken my bgl and it's 5.5

The puncture sites on my fingers & thumbs are blue! Sore!

Diet & exercise only
Good morning 🙂 6.7 for me today after a lie-in - woke at 4am, closed my eyes, opened them and it was 7:45am! I suppose I must have needed it! 🙄

Good luck today @khskel 🙂 I hope your Mum recovers quickly @grainger 🙂 @Carolg, I'm a little concerned that you always seem to wake in double figures - I can't remember, are you on any medication? If not, it might be time to start thinking of it. Although I know many Type 2s strive to stop or stay off medication, if you pancreas is unable to meet your needs then you need some support from some extra chemicals - no shame or failure involved, it's just the way things are.
@Northerner. Me too! It's been happening a lot lately but sometimes I just can't fall asleep again! Makes it a long day & puts everything out of sync! Oh happy days...& nights!
A slightly stress induced 6.9 this morning. Presently waiting for this injection into my shoulder. Ouch! 😱
A slightly stress induced 6.9 this morning. Presently waiting for this injection into my shoulder. Ouch! 😱
Eek, doesn't sound nice, but I hope you get some benefit from it afterwards.
And top of the mornin' to you all too!

Just taken my bgl and it's 5.5

The puncture sites on my fingers & thumbs are blue! Sore!

Diet & exercise only
Just a word of advice - you shouldn't use your index fingers or your thumbs for fingerprick tests. This is because they are extremely important digits and your sense of touch can become compromised if you use them - whilst this is important in all digits, it's less important in the others 🙂 Make sure you use each side of the pad of the finger (this gives you 6 fingers x 2 sides = 12 fingerprick sites, presuming you have a full complement of fingers), not the centre of the pad as there are more pain receptors there, and rotate your sites to give them time to recover. Make sure your lancet isn't set to too high a level (if adaptable) 🙂
Well, I've fallen out of the land of nod with 6.1, my excuse being that I've got a cold. Mr Libre tells me I've been at that level all night. Boring, I know.

Best of luck Amigo, rather you than me, but then I'm a wimp.:(
Just a word of advice - you shouldn't use your index fingers or your thumbs for fingerprick tests. This is because they are extremely important digits and your sense of touch can become compromised if you use them - whilst this is important in all digits, it's less important in the others 🙂 Make sure you use each side of the pad of the finger (this gives you 6 fingers x 2 sides = 12 fingerprick sites, presuming you have a full complement of fingers), not the centre of the pad as there are more pain receptors there, and rotate your sites to give them time to recover. Make sure your lancet isn't set to too high a level (if adaptable) 🙂
So index fingers & thumbs are a no-no then! Thank you for advising me on that score Northerner, it really is appreciated & I will bear that in mind. Take care
Well, I've fallen out of the land of nod with 6.1, my excuse being that I've got a cold. Mr Libre tells me I've been at that level all night. Boring, I know.

Best of luck Amigo, rather you than me, but then I'm a wimp.:(
You are so NOT a whimp Mike!
Good morning 🙂 I was 3.0 this morning which serves me right for cancelling my cgm alarms without looking what they said. Still, Jaffa cakes for breakfast were a very nice treat.

All the best with your appointments Amigo and khskel.
Good morning 🙂 I was 3.0 this morning which serves me right for cancelling my cgm alarms without looking what they said. Still, Jaffa cakes for breakfast were a very nice treat.

All the best with your appointments Amigo and khskel.
@Flower! Pay attention to those alarms please! 🙂 How do you manage to keep uneaten jaffa cakes in the house? I remember having to resist one of the 'Yard of Jaffa Cakes' packs that were on sale in Tescos over Christmas because I just knew I'd have to eat the lot in one go 😱 I even considered how much insulin I might need! 😱 :D
Well, I've fallen out of the land of nod with 6.1, my excuse being that I've got a cold. Mr Libre tells me I've been at that level all night. Boring, I know.

Best of luck Amigo, rather you than me, but then I'm a wimp.:(

Just back from seeing the Consultant Radiologist who did the ultrasound. The rotator cuff is still fully torn right through and retracted so whilst the injection might have given some temporary relief, the risk of infection in my case is high so it was agreed to be too risky. Bit depressing but it's a case of balancing the risks and benefits.

Thanks for good wishes everyone.
Good morning 🙂 I was 3.0 this morning which serves me right for cancelling my cgm alarms without looking what they said. Still, Jaffa cakes for breakfast were a very nice treat.

All the best with your appointments Amigo and khskel.

Love Jaffa cakes - apart from the hypo obviously what a brilliant way to start the day... am now considering walking to the shop to get some... although I saw a recipe for a Jaffa cake style actual cake so maybe I'll try and make that and use cooking with my toddler as an excuse!

Hope you are feeling better now x
Good morning 🙂 I was 3.0 this morning which serves me right for cancelling my cgm alarms without looking what they said. Still, Jaffa cakes for breakfast were a very nice treat.

All the best with your appointments Amigo and khskel.

Best wishes to Flower and @khskel.
Hello, 4.6 this mornong and no Lantus again last night
So no relief from the pain yet Amigo. Oh dear you really have got a lot to put up with. Hope things improve soon xx