Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8! 8! Libre says 6.7. A wash and dry of the hands and the finger prick says 6.7 as well. Have to keep an eye on this in case I need to back on the levemir.
Morning all. 14.6 for me. Out for Chinese buffet for grandson 16 birthday. Avoided rice.noodles, but everything seemed sweet or battered, also had a piece of cake. Avoided birthday cake at daughters, but damage done. Looking for a better day today this cold dreich day
Morning all, 9.6 for me today.
4.9 which surprises me as was my highest for a year last night at 11.8 after a day of a dreadful stomach bug. Levels were either too low or too high all day. I am seeing the DN today and hope she is supportive as close to tears today,
4.9 which surprises me as was my highest for a year last night at 11.8 after a day of a dreadful stomach bug. Levels were either too low or too high all day. I am seeing the DN today and hope she is supportive as close to tears today,
Hope your appointment goes well. Xx
Morning all a 6.1 for me today. Happy rainy Tuesday all
Good morning 🙂 4.4 today. Off to get the stitches taken out of my palm after trigger finger operations. Apologies in advance of any expletives that you may hear floating around 😱😉

I hope you have a good appointment New-journey and your levels behave themselves 🙂
Morning playmates, I kick off the day with a 4.0, which is a tad low, so just a rich tea with the morning cappuccino should fix that.

Have a good appointment Newjourney. And best of luck with your stitch removal, Flower. You curse just as much as you like. I'm 500 miles away, so I won't mind. As long as you can hold a glass, you'll be fine🙂
4.9 which surprises me as was my highest for a year last night at 11.8 after a day of a dreadful stomach bug. Levels were either too low or too high all day. I am seeing the DN today and hope she is supportive as close to tears today,
Horrible NJ...rough time sorry to hear that...I'm sure the nurse will be supportive once she knows how you are feeling...hope those levels balance out on the presumption today will be a good day and tomorrow will be me (I'm not a doctor😉😉😉)...good luck.
Good morning 🙂 4.4 today. Off to get the stitches taken out of my palm after trigger finger operations. Apologies in advance of any expletives that you may hear floating around 😱😉

I hope you have a good appointment New-journey and your levels behave themselves 🙂
Good luck Flower...fingers crossed (absolutely no pun intended...honest) issue as many expletives as you need to...essential in times like these...let me start you off with a...&*&^%$%...good luck.
Morning all, a 5.7 today, after a couple of days of slightly higher numbers which I blame on eating late at night 🙄

All the best to @Flower and @New-journey for your various appointments xx 🙂
Given up after pronging four fingers. Would do my toes but I can't reach. :D

I have another friend with that, what a coincidence. Hope it does ease.
Oh my word - just wakened, went to bed about 5 yesterday evening. Following a really bad fall last week, as things were not settling I went to see my GP. She twisted and pulled my knee, she then phoned the hospital, and sent me there to see orthopod and get x-rays. He twisted and pulled.
Upshot, nothing broken - massive soft tissue damage, will take 4 to 6 weeks to settle.

By the time I got home - my knee was really painfull. I took strong painkillers and best to bed. No dinner, no meds, no Lantus.

5.0 what is going on?
Oh my word - just wakened, went to bed about 5 yesterday evening. Following a really bad fall last week, as things were not settling I went to see my GP. She twisted and pulled my knee, she then phoned the hospital, and sent me there to see orthopod and get x-rays. He twisted and pulled.
Upshot, nothing broken - massive soft tissue damage, will take 4 to 6 weeks to settle.

By the time I got home - my knee was really painfull. I took strong painkillers and best to bed. No dinner, no meds, no Lantus.

5.0 what is going on?
Aw @Hazel, I'm so sorry to hear you are int the wars :( Thank goodness nothing broken {{{HUGS}}} Hope you recover well, and soon.

How much lantus ought you to have injected? Perhaps you've simply reached a point where it is unnecessary now?
Horrible NJ...rough time sorry to hear that...I'm sure the nurse will be supportive once she knows how you are feeling...hope those levels balance out on the presumption today will be a good day and tomorrow will be me (I'm not a doctor😉😉😉)...good luck.
Thanks Bubbsie! You do make me laugh which is wonderful!