Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂Just coming to after a 4am finish. Haven't made it out of bed yet but want to send hugs to Flower Amigo and Grainger and wish you all a good /better day 🙂
BG to follow!

Thanks Linda, how kind of you x

Managed a 6.9 which isn't bad in the circumstances.
Ooh ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's... is that a new cocktail Carol?...oops😳😳😳 that off tangent...apologies in advance
Mmmm no it was not. Stayed awake and got home early, but on phone to friend for too long so still awake. Night night
Mmmm no it was not. Stayed awake and got home early, but on phone to friend for too long so still awake. Night night
Not too late Carol...hope you got some sound sleep! work today...but still up early! ...5.8 today...getting there:D
Good morning everyone . I had a lovely sleep in , only woke up a few minutes ago 🙂 and to a nice 4.9 too 🙂
Enjoy your day off @Bubbsie , no racing around trying to get everything done you hear .
@Amigo , I hope you start to feel better soon.
Good morning everyone . I had a lovely sleep in , only woke up a few minutes ago 🙂 and to a nice 4.9 too 🙂
Enjoy your day off @Bubbsie , no racing around trying to get everything done you hear .
@Amigo , I hope you start to feel better soon.
Not really a day off Lin...nothing planned but could always get called out with little notice...great number to start your day...and a lay in...luxurious...rarely tend to sleep in nowadays...envious...enjoy your day.
Good morning everyone and 5.4 here. Panicking and annoyed here as my three lantus pens are not working, the purple bit at the end of the pen won't push down. I have tried all three, two were reserves in the fridge. Anyone have a trick to get it working? Thanks
Good morning everyone and 5.4 here. Panicking and annoyed here as my three lantus pens are not working, the purple bit at the end of the pen won't push down. I have tried all three, two were reserves in the fridge. Anyone have a trick to get it working? Thanks
Sorry NJ...can't advise on the pen...there is a real sense of urgency here...try not to panic...hopefully there will be someone along soon that can help...fingers crossed... I know it's early...but you could always try ringing your surgery...they must have an out of hours number?
Thanks Linda, how kind of you x

Managed a 6.9 which isn't bad in the circumstances.
Hope you continue to improve Amigo...and keep those numbers reducing.
Good morning everyone and 5.4 here. Panicking and annoyed here as my three lantus pens are not working, the purple bit at the end of the pen won't push down. I have tried all three, two were reserves in the fridge. Anyone have a trick to get it working? Thanks
I'm sorry to hear this :( I'm afraid I don't have a solution as I've never used disposable pens. I would get to the surgery or pharmacy to get replacements this morning - your levels shouldn't suffer too much for a few hours delay with lantus, and you can always give a little correction with fast-acting if necessary. In the longer term I would recommend getting a reusable pen and cartridges prescribed - the Sanofi Juniorstar can deliver half units and has a fairly good reputation. In fact, geet two so you have a spare! I'd avoid the Autopen from Owen Mumford as they are a bit temperamental in my opinion. Reusable pens are more robustly made and less prone to problems - sounds like you have a bad batch if your spares have the same problem.

Hope you can get it sorted soon, don't panic! 🙂
Morning all, 5.4 when I first woke, proteiny snack before bed seems to be helping (why didn't I think of it before, I've read it often enough on here. Doh!)
Had to go down and top up the CH system as the the boiler hadn't fired up, by the time I'd got back to bed I was 8.6.
Hope you can get your Lantus problem sorted quickly, N-j.
I'm sorry to hear this :( I'm afraid I don't have a solution as I've never used disposable pens. I would get to the surgery or pharmacy to get replacements this morning - your levels shouldn't suffer too much for a few hours delay with lantus, and you can always give a little correction with fast-acting if necessary. In the longer term I would recommend getting a reusable pen and cartridges prescribed - the Sanofi Juniorstar can deliver half units and has a fairly good reputation. In fact, geet two so you have a spare! I'd avoid the Autopen from Owen Mumford as they are a bit temperamental in my opinion. Reusable pens are more robustly made and less prone to problems - sounds like you have a bad batch if your spares have the same problem.

Hope you can get it sorted soon, don't panic! 🙂
Thanks and going to de ice my car now and drive to the medical centre. I have till 9 15 to sort this out! I have my first annual check up soon and will take a note of the pens you suggest. Just so scary and my mind is racing with what if I was in Rwanda or Romania. But all is well I am at home, I can get a replacement and in future have the disposable pens. I have a Sanofi junior star for my fast-acting so will ask for another for my lantus. Thanks so much.
Sorry NJ...can't advise on the pen...there is a real sense of urgency here...try not to panic...hopefully there will be someone along soon that can help...fingers crossed... I know it's early...but you could always try ringing your surgery...they must have an out of hours number?
Thanks and the phone is engaged so on my way. Bang goes my plan for yoga first thing plus a walk before a intense day!
Morning all, 9.7 for me today.