Group 7-day waking average?

Good. morning all.
Woke up just before 3am for a Jimmy so thought I'd test , 5.0 straight back to bed and woke up just now to

7.6 :(
Morning everyone. Scores on the doors are 6.5 today.
Good morning. 13.6 for me this morning. Feeling much better so Back to work today.
Morning all, 4.7 here, and a dip into the red at 3.30 am. Am now down to 6 units of Lantus a day, (from 8 before Xmas), and have shifted it forward to mid pm in the hopes of avoiding the slide downwards from 11pm, but no discernible difference in overnight patterns yet....
Good morning. 13.6 for me this morning. Feeling much better so Back to work today.
Glad to hear you're feeling much better.
Good morning all 🙂 and im same as you GG with 6.5 today.
Glad you're feeling better carolg. 🙂
Morning all, 10.6 for me today. Blood tests this friday.
Morning all.🙂 5.4 here - phew! Back in range at last.😛

Sorry to hear you're back at work, Carol 🙄 but glad to hear you're better.🙂

I hope the emergency antibiotics do the trick, Amigo.
Bore Da pawb was a 9.6 for me this morning after a weekful of there or thereabouts in the mid 9's. Don't know why - food intake has been pretty much the same as normal. Maybe I'm gearing up for Spring?
Morning everyone. Starting the week in bed with an awful chest infection that seems to be playing me music 🙄

Fortunate it's only a 6.9 today, all the nocturnal coughing must have used up the glucose
Morning all.🙂 5.4 here - phew! Back in range at last.😛

Sorry to hear you're back at work, Carol 🙄 but glad to hear you're better.🙂

I hope the emergency antibiotics do the trick, Amigo.

Thanks Bloden, I hope so

Glad you're feeling much better @Carolg
9.8 for me today, lowest waking since started testing last week. Last week first testing day I was 14.6, so pleased to find it in single figures this morning.
I woke with 6.1. I raised my night Levemir last night in attempt to pull back the dawn phenomenon, and succeeded in dropping my mid night BG to 3.1. Couple of Dextrose tabs mended that. Guess what happened to the dawn effect? Well, as I type this I'm 11.1, having eaten nothing.

Sometimes you just can't win.:confused:
I woke with 6.1. I raised my night Levemir last night in attempt to pull back the dawn phenomenon, and succeeded in dropping my mid night BG to 3.1. Couple of Dextrose tabs mended that. Guess what happened to the dawn effect? Well, as I type this I'm 11.1, having eaten nothing.

Sometimes you just can't win.:confused:
I've just given the Diabetes Fairy a punt across the room for you Mike 😉
Please give the DF a punt across the room for me too Northerner, she's been meddling again 🙂

Late on parade, 7.3 today and I'm sinking under complications. My sight is really not good but before I can attempt to salvage that I'm having surgery tomorrow for carpal tunnel plus 3 trigger fingers that are stuck at unusual angles and hurt rather a lot 😱. I feel a wreck. Sorry to be glum :( but I hope at least to sort one thing out tomorrow and not feel so overwhelmed by it all.