Group 7-day waking average?

witch hazel might be a little more clean, though still hurts as much!
Not necessarily cleaner Sadhbh...perfume has an alcohol base...possibly a little less painful...okay...a lot less painful😱😱😱
LOL When you say it you can hear it; it's called the pharyngeal trill on the 'ch' (Can you tell I used to be a Speech & Language Pathologist??) I love language!
I suppose it's too much information... It's my version of the cholesterol LDL formula, or the HbA1c formula, or the LDL fluffy dense theory!
You are all a patient lot. 🙂
Being a 'sarf' Londoner...I am lost here Sadbhb.
Love it. Can you spell Paukies properly

pawky is good, but it's regional I suspect, because here (Dumfries & Galloway) they would say poke -- Sanquhar being INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS** for the sanquhar pattern, usually on gloves. LOL
**Some years ago, a handful of ladies in the Rural were invited to the International Street Festival in Washington D.C. to demonstrate Sanquhar Knitting. Evidently Scotland was one of the featured countries that year. I hasten to mention I was not one of them; I am not a knitter and the evidence is that it took me six months to knit a harry potter scarf for a local charity function! HA!

Now you tell me this one: Waird here is used to indicate the local curling pond. No one seems to know why, other that mother and grandmother always called it The Waird. It's a word throughout upper nithsdale, but I never heard it in any other part of Dumfries and Galloway, or for that matter anywhere else. Do you know?
Don't worry one understands me north of are not alone.
pawky is good, but it's regional I suspect, because here (Dumfries & Galloway) they would say poke -- Sanquhar being INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS** for the sanquhar pattern, usually on gloves. LOL
**Some years ago, a handful of ladies in the Rural were invited to the International Street Festival in Washington D.C. to demonstrate Sanquhar Knitting. Evidently Scotland was one of the featured countries that year. I hasten to mention I was not one of them; I am not a knitter and the evidence is that it took me six months to knit a harry potter scarf for a local charity function! HA!

Now you tell me this one: Waird here is used to indicate the local curling pond. No one seems to know why, other that mother and grandmother always called it The Waird. It's a word throughout upper nithsdale, but I never heard it in any other part of Dumfries and Galloway, or for that matter anywhere else. Do you know?
Sorry can't help. Not sure if pawkie is west coast or a mix of west and east
I've rather predictably succumbed to the lergy in the form of a chest infection which is one hell of a worry to me. Probably to be expected after a week surrounded by pneumonia and respiratory infections and me a blank page for infections to scribble on! :(

So my BG has jumped to 7.7 on waking, pulse up to 110, temp strangely under 36 but b/p and oxygen sats ok. I've put myself on the emergency antibiotics the doc gives me to keep in and am hoping for the best! Bugger! :confused:
Bubsie, for you in London and anyone in Glasgow: it's the rhyming slang that confounds me! It seems to be somewhat 'foreign' to Edinburgh and all parts of eastern scotland. 😉
But it's fun; like a crypto-quote. o_O
Rhyming slang gets me as well, especially in a Scottish accent. I'm a bit of a mix as my mum was english(brummie) but could say bad words in a posh English/Scottish accent
I've rather predictably succumbed to the lergy in the form of a chest infection which is one hell of a worry to me. Probably to be expected after a week surrounded by pneumonia and respiratory infections and me a blank page for infections to scribble on! :(

So my BG has jumped to 7.7 on waking, pulse up to 110, temp strangely under 36 but b/p and oxygen sats ok. I've put myself on the emergency antibiotics the doc gives me to keep in and am hoping for the best! Bugger! :confused:
Oh Amigo, sorry to hear this. Take care and look after yourself
I've rather predictably succumbed to the lergy in the form of a chest infection which is one hell of a worry to me. Probably to be expected after a week surrounded by pneumonia and respiratory infections and me a blank page for infections to scribble on! :(

So my BG has jumped to 7.7 on waking, pulse up to 110, temp strangely under 36 but b/p and oxygen sats ok. I've put myself on the emergency antibiotics the doc gives me to keep in and am hoping for the best! Bugger! :confused:
Blimey Amigo...sorry to hear that...look after yourself...Bugger indeed.
I've rather predictably succumbed to the lergy in the form of a chest infection which is one hell of a worry to me. Probably to be expected after a week surrounded by pneumonia and respiratory infections and me a blank page for infections to scribble on! :(

So my BG has jumped to 7.7 on waking, pulse up to 110, temp strangely under 36 but b/p and oxygen sats ok. I've put myself on the emergency antibiotics the doc gives me to keep in and am hoping for the best! Bugger! :confused:
Sorry to hear this @Amigo . It's a good job yo have those emergency anti Bs.
I hope you recover quickly. Don't forget to get the anti Bs replaced.
it's the rhyming slang that confounds me!
See if you can follow this poem I wrote about diabetes rhyming slang :D

Fancy a Ruby, me old China Plate?

I’m really looking forward to a nice Ruby Murray,
But I must do a Banting and Best,
For before you indulge in a hot spicy curry,
You must do a blood sugar test!

I’ll work out the size of my grandfather’s nose,
Before a peck of my old speckled hen,
For you must be precise with your insulin dose
When you inject with your insulin pen!

You can choose to be pecked in your Old Auntie Nellie,
Or perhaps in your Old Fife and Drum!
But in public it’s best to inject in your belly,
As your bum may be too much for some!

Would you Adam and Eve that a nice Britney Spears,
Or even a stiff Fine and Dandy,
Can be supped with your meal? (That’s a bottle of beer,
Or a generous helping of brandy!)

You might want to finish your Lilley and Skinner
With a treat like a big Sexton Blake –
With the lowered GI from the rest of your dinner,
There’s no reason you shouldn’t have cake!
I always found the best thing for a cold sore...little touch of perfume...dries it up...worse thing is letting it get wet...spreads if moist...hurts like %$£" but worked for me Bloden.
It's too big for perfume 😱 but thanks for the advice, Bubbs.😛 I take L-Lysine and eat lots of brassica veg when I've got an outbreak...seems to work for me.🙂
See if you can follow this poem I wrote about diabetes rhyming slang :D

Fancy a Ruby, me old China Plate?

I’m really looking forward to a nice Ruby Murray,
But I must do a Banting and Best,
For before you indulge in a hot spicy curry,
You must do a blood sugar test!

I’ll work out the size of my grandfather’s nose,
Before a peck of my old speckled hen,
For you must be precise with your insulin dose
When you inject with your insulin pen!

You can choose to be pecked in your Old Auntie Nellie,
Or perhaps in your Old Fife and Drum!
But in public it’s best to inject in your belly,
As your bum may be too much for some!

Would you Adam and Eve that a nice Britney Spears,
Or even a stiff Fine and Dandy,
Can be supped with your meal? (That’s a bottle of beer,
Or a generous helping of brandy!)

You might want to finish your Lilley and Skinner
With a treat like a big Sexton Blake –
With the lowered GI from the rest of your dinner,
There’s no reason you shouldn’t have cake!

Great poem! I know Me old China is mate. The rest is well written and nicely explained!
5.8 @ 8.43 am

SadhbhFiadh how do you pronounce this? :D it will stay that way after a day working in London!