Group 7-day waking average?

A not quite heaven with a 6.7!

Mum happily out of hospital. Took till nearly 8pm last night for an ambulance to be available to transport her but hey ho, the care has been excellent. Some of those wonderful nurses do jobs they should be paid double for!
A not quite heaven with a 6.7!

Mum happily out of hospital. Took till nearly 8pm last night for an ambulance to be available to transport her but hey ho, the care has been excellent. Some of those wonderful nurses do jobs they should be paid double for!
Ah, so pleased she is home 🙂 When I was in hospital I was hugely impressed by all the staff, but a couple of nurses in particular, so I wrote to the Nurse Manager when I got out so their dedication didn't go unnoticed 🙂
A not quite heaven with a 6.7!

Mum happily out of hospital. Took till nearly 8pm last night for an ambulance to be available to transport her but hey ho, the care has been excellent. Some of those wonderful nurses do jobs they should be paid double for!
Great news Amigo
Good news, Amigo. Hope she gets back to form now she's escaped.🙂

I got 5.4 this morning. Looking at the night, there was a teeny drift into the red zone on the Libre, but it drifted back without any intervention. Dawn effect is still a pest, 9.4 after a couple of hours out of bed watching Saturday Kitchen. Quantum calories?:confused:
Glad your mum is out of hospital, Amigo.🙂
@Amigo , I'm glad your Mum is out of hospital and hope she is feeling fully better soon.
Morning all. I forgot to test when I got up a couple of hours earlier. Pre brekky I'm 8.4
Am off out in a while for another CT scan
Good luck
5.4 @ 6.33 am and I'd slept right through from 11.30 pm without a p break. Yay. :D
Long day ahead, Manning a fast response boat for a rowing event. Hopefully no-one gets a dunking this year. Sad sad day after hearing about poor Alison. No-one to correct my bad German. BM still in appropriate range, no Lantus anymore just minuscule amounts of bolus and good diet. Stay safe everyone.
Oh my word - not impressed this morning with a very scary 7.0
Morning everyone. 5.7 today.
Morning, everyone. A repeat of yesterday with another 6.1
Oh my word - not impressed this morning with a very scary 7.0
Hazel just a hiccup...long day yesterday...back on form tomorrow...from another 'old broad' who admires your fortitude & perseverance😉😉😉
Slept in until almost 7am...strange day yesterday full of ups & downs...6.1 today...not disappointed with that considering.
Glad to hear your mums home Amigo.