Group 7-day waking average?

It's been a mixed bag this week, with my bgl fluctuations between 5.2 and 6.9 and I've been eating salad all week. The only other difference is I've had to reduce metformin to one a day till I get back home
Back up slightly with a 6.6 this morning. I swear that D knows I didn't do a 3am test....
Good morning 🙂 7.2 for me today. I was 7.0 before bed after slightly under-bolusing for a huge plate of sausage and mash comfort food to settle my nerves after Trump's speech 😱
Did it help? I ate nearly the whole bar of chocolate as was so distressed, and was 6.8 at bed, 6.9 at four am and 6.5 now.
Off soon to march so will take some snacks to keep me going and will be testing loads.
Morning all. 10.2 for me today.
Back up slightly with a 6.6 this morning. I swear that D knows I didn't do a 3am test....
Sneaky little so and so GG...D knows everything😎
I didn't have the stomach to listen brave of you...only heard the first line...had to switch over...hope those numbers settle down soon.
In bed. At 7 so saw nothing
Morning all, 3.5 here after scraping along the bottom all night, despite jelly babies at 3am. Time to reduce basal again, methinks, but I keep waiting for the Diabetes Fairy to yell 'Surprise!' and send me back up to usual levels.
In bed. At 7 so saw nothing
Good move Carol...sick of hearing about Donald J's inauguration've missed nuffink!
Slept all night, up at 7 and ear lobe really tender. Don't think I had moved much. BG 13.1 this morning but hope back of coldy/fluey thing is broken. Have a good day everyone
Good move Carol...sick of hearing about Donald J's inauguration've missed nuffink!
Feel as if I've missed 3/4 of 4 days of my life. Poor liver recovering from 3 days of paracetamol. Plan to make a real meal today, must be feeling better
Slept all night, up at 7 and ear lobe early tender. Don't think I had moved much. BG 13.1 this morning but hope back of coldy/fluey thing is broken. Have a good day everyone
Ooh Carol...fingers crossed the blasted lurgi thing has reached its peak and is heading off...nasty...keep warm...and avoid Donald J.
Feel as if I've missed 3/4 of 4 days of my life. Poor liver recovering from 3 days of paracetamol. Plan to make a real meal today, must be feeling better
Horrible time for you...good to hear feeling a mite better.
Morning all.🙂 8.8 here - eh?😱 Where did that come from?o_O It was a relief to be back in range yesterday after a week of sky-high readings...must be the cold snap we're having.🙄

Keep warm, folks.🙂
Morning all. I forgot to test when I got up a couple of hours earlier. Pre brekky I'm 8.4
Am off out in a while for another CT scan
Morning all! 6.1 this morning. Think i've just worked out after all this time that if I get up a bit later, my BG is slightly higher. Still, mustn't grumble.🙂