Group 7-day waking average?

This D is a contrary bu***r...After 10 days of higher than normal morning readings, sweating and headache I did a test at 3:05am- fine at 5.3, and this morning had a 6.0!
I'm now shattered as it took me ages to initially get to sleep knowing I was going to be woken at 3am, and then ages to get back to sleep afterwards. Matchsticks for work today I think 🙂
Looks like the Diabetes Fairy is messing with your mind! 😱 I'll give her a poke in the eye for you! 😱 😉
That would be much appreciated Northie.🙂
Looks like the Diabetes Fairy is messing with your mind! 😱 I'll give her a poke in the eye for you! 😱 😉
Let's form a line...I've got a big, wet fish I'd like to smack her round the head with.🙄

Morning all.🙂 5.7 here.😛 Sofa, here I come - with tissues, bottle of water, knitting, rug for my knees, aaah.😉
Morning...couldn't pass the salami last night without 'introducing myself' (just a couple of slices)...a surprising 5.7 for me today🙂
I would've thought salami was a safe thing to eat. Shouldn't raise levels.
A there you go 6.4

Hoping mum can be discharged from hospital today for her sake and mine. Please no more hospital visiting! 😱
Fingers crossed for you Amigo..
I would've thought salami was a safe thing to eat. Shouldn't raise levels.
On those results Mark...will be passing by the salami again this evening...had thought eating so late would be a disaster...but...what would I really know...all trial and error with me still
A there you go 6.4

Hoping mum can be discharged from hospital today for her sake and mine. Please no more hospital visiting! 😱
Good to hear Amigo...better for you both.
This D is a contrary bu***r...After 10 days of higher than normal morning readings, sweating and headache I did a test at 3:05am- fine at 5.3, and this morning had a 6.0!
I'm now shattered as it took me ages to initially get to sleep knowing I was going to be woken at 3am, and then ages to get back to sleep afterwards. Matchsticks for work today I think 🙂
Think D is getting off lightly GG with just a bu***r...hope the working day goes smoothly and speedily for you...then home for some sorely needed rest🙂
Hi everyone 🙂 and a very late 6.3. Only took BG just now after a night at work and day of grabbing a bit of sleep here and there due to dog related things! Pleased with that 🙂
Really pleased my PT I mentioned the other day convulsing for over 40 minutes is on the road to recovery, he had a brain haemorrhage. After an emergency treatment with diazepam and some skilful surgery he is on the mend. Amazing how the body can recover. I think he was lucky that it was so cold. Anyway BM still good and now feeling happy.
Really pleased my PT I mentioned the other day convulsing for over 40 minutes is on the road to recovery, he had a brain haemorrhage. After an emergency treatment with diazepam and some skilful surgery he is on the mend. Amazing how the body can recover. I think he was lucky that it was so cold. Anyway BM still good and now feeling happy.
Lucky man...must be an amazing feeling right in at the deep saving should be happy...well done you.
Good morning 🙂 7.2 for me today. I was 7.0 before bed after slightly under-bolusing for a huge plate of sausage and mash comfort food to settle my nerves after Trump's speech 😱
I didn't have the stomach to listen brave of you...only heard the first line...had to switch over...hope those numbers settle down soon.
Morning...bad girl again last night...salami before bed...and a surprising 5.9 today.
I didn't have the stomach to listen brave of you...only heard the first line...had to switch over...hope those numbers settle down soon.
It was horrific! 😱

Morning...bad girl again last night...salami before bed...and a surprising 5.9 today.
Don't feel guilty about that salami, @Bubbsie, it's possible that it is helping your waking levels - it's often recommended to have a small protein snack before bed to help overcome Dawn Phenomenon (where you levels start to rise steeply when you wake) 🙂
It was horrific! 😱

Don't feel guilty about that salami, @Bubbsie, it's possible that it is helping your waking levels - it's often recommended to have a small protein snack before bed to help overcome Dawn Phenomenon (where you levels start to rise steeply when you wake) 🙂
Experimenting with that theory Northerner...second time I've done it...not the most romantic aroma for bedtime (slight trace of garlic)...but...getting a stock in for the weekend:D