Group 7-day waking average?

13.1 for me. Day 3 of grotty coldy thing. Not a happy cookie. Phoning in to work, hot drink then back to sleep. Hope everyone else has a good day
5.1 here. Reduced basal again. Happened to wake at 3.30am, notorious hypo time, but was 6.8 then.
Hope you feel better soon, Carolg.
13.1 for me. Day 3 of grotty coldy thing. Not a happy cookie. Phoning in to work, hot drink then back to sleep. Hope everyone else has a good day
Shame Carol...right back to bed...hope the rest works and you feel better soon.
7.3 for me this morning.
For the past week or so I've been getting slightly higher than usual waking readings, felt a little sweaty and then have developed a very slight headache (at top of nose area) about 5 mins after waking. I'm going to do some basal testing to see if I'm going too low overnight, but my question is is that if I reduce my basal, will this not increase my waking BG?
Not necessarily! ( this is diabetes were talking about, anythings possible.) sometimes you can have higher waking readings because you are low in the night and your liver makes an extra effort. I've just reduced my basal because of night time hypos and have actually had lower morning readings. Won't be the same for everyone, but if you are going low in the wee small hours, worth a try.
Hmn not impressed with 6.0 this morning
Not your usual Hazel...but not bad...sure it's just a temporary blip🙂
Morning all. 7.3 for me thanks to a pesky bed time hypo. Didn't split my bolus quite right.
Good morning all 🙂 and may I join you this morning khskel? Rather a high one for me but I did succumb to some maltesers and cheesy balls last night after work. Don't even really like cheesy balls either 😱 Just felt like it.
Anyway must get back to normal again today. And doing night shift too which means resisting the work biscuit tin!
Morning all, 11.3 for me today. Not long now until my next dr's appointment. Getting annoyed with high numbers now. :(😡
7.3 for me this morning.
For the past week or so I've been getting slightly higher than usual waking readings, felt a little sweaty and then have developed a very slight headache (at top of nose area) about 5 mins after waking. I'm going to do some basal testing to see if I'm going too low overnight, but my question is is that if I reduce my basal, will this not increase my waking BG?
Want to try and get to the bottom of it, as my next consultant appt should be in the next month, and I want to go to him with figures and evidence, if a possibility which needs to be considered is switching to Levemir so I can split doses. Daytime is fine though, including evening levels.
Any thoughts appreciated..🙂
What are your bedtime readings like in comparison to the waking ones? I'd try setting the alarm for a couple of nights and doing a 3am test to see where you are at. If levels are fine during the day then I'd put off changing basal (lantus?) until I was more convinced 🙂
Strictly just the scores on the doors this morning...5.6 today...must have been all that laughing yesterday.:D:D:D
Laughing is exercise? What are the official recommendations? :D

Morning all.🙂 It's a 7.8 for me and a sea of snot. 😱 Roll on the weekend...
Morning all, 11.3 for me today. Not long now until my next dr's appointment. Getting annoyed with high numbers now. :(😡
I'll bet you are Stitch! At least you will be all fired up not to get brushed off, it's about time you were enjoying nice in-range numbers 🙂
Good luck, Stitch. Give em hell. 😉 How long til the appt?
Good morning all and 4.8 for me and reducing my lantus as needing no bolus or very little during the day apart from my evening meal. What's the best ratio between the two or is that different with everyone?
What are your bedtime readings like in comparison to the waking ones? I'd try setting the alarm for a couple of nights and doing a 3am test to see where you are at. If levels are fine during the day then I'd put off changing basal (lantus?) until I was more convinced 🙂
My bedtimereadings have been slightly higher - in the 7s with a couple in low 8s, when they were usually in the mid 6s.
I take 10u Lantus at bedtime, and (according to libre when I wear one) regardless of evening reading, this brings me down to 5-5.5 within about 40mins of taking it and I stay pretty straight all night. Sod's law that I've not had a libre on for about 10 days just as this starts to happen.(mind you, don't entirely trust their readings anyway!)
Good morning all and 4.8 for me and reducing my lantus as needing no bolus or very little during the day apart from my evening meal. What's the best ratio between the two or is that different with everyone?
I think it varies from person to person really. They have 'starting points' for when people are first started on insulin (I think it's something like 60% bolus and 40% basal), but then it can change quite a lot. I'm the opposite of you - I don't need basal at all, but need bolus, so I'm 100%:0%! 🙄
Good luck, Stitch. Give em hell. 😉 How long til the appt?

Blood tests next friday, then seeing the dr on the 3rd Feb.
Laughing is exercise? What are the official recommendations? :D

Morning all.🙂 It's a 7.8 for me and a sea of snot. 😱 Roll on the weekend...
Maximum dosage is as often as possible ...caution should be taken not to exceed the maximum recommendations... this could result in euphoria...a feeling of well being...and an unfounded fear or ironing (ooh we all know who that is...have you done it yet?)...sorry to hear about the snot...but thank you so much for sharing...not bad numbers considering under the weather...hope it passes quickly.
Much improved, thank you 🙂 I've even been out for a run this morning! 😱 And yes - it was bl***y cold! 😱 🙂
Relieved to hear you are feeling better...need to have you at full strength with all this going off at a tangent activity ...and it's ******* cold here too!