Group 7-day waking average?

Yes Owen...Churchill the cat is still alive...managed to resist the urge to self medicate with alcohol...poses another alcohol suitable for medicinal purposes...Harry the DOG who is an English bulldog often looks more dead than alive...however I have been assured that is a typical characteristic of bulldogs and they all look like that until woken for food or evidenced by his photo...this is his poised for his extreme walking mode
That's almost me on a good day, but I cut out the exercise regime
Pluto's cave is a philosophical issue, as Bubbsie knows to her cost. Schrödinger's cat is a quantum physics thought experiment. Don't confuse the two, you'll get a headache.🙂

Is this topic drift?
A 6.5 for me.

Mum is thankfully pulling through after a scary episode on Sunday. Thanks everyone for the kind support x
Glad to hear this amigo.
Pluto's cave is a philosophical issue, as Bubbsie knows to her cost. Schrödinger's cat is a quantum physics thought experiment. Don't confuse the two, you'll get a headache.🙂

Is this topic drift?
Glad I am not up for these debates. Think I will go and read Terry Pratchetts "Witches" my son likens my friend and myself to granny weatherwax and nanny ogg Gives me a good giggle trying to work out which of us is which! (Or witch) !!As intellectual as I am going for today. Look out bed, here I come
Pluto's cave is a philosophical issue, as Bubbsie knows to her cost. Schrödinger's cat is a quantum physics thought experiment. Don't confuse the two, you'll get a headache.🙂

Is this topic drift?
From memory is that the cat in the box trick?...don't like the sound of that...yes...definitely memory drift...honestly Owen pay attention please...poor Churchill had retreated to the underside of the bed now.
Pluto's cave is a philosophical issue, as Bubbsie knows to her cost. Schrödinger's cat is a quantum physics thought experiment. Don't confuse the two, you'll get a headache.🙂

Is this topic drift?
No. The other day I didn't start getting hypo symptoms til I'd tested, checked the meter and realised I was. Just glad it didn't involve a vial of cyanide.
Sorry, totally lowered the tone he he he he
Love it robin
Still and cat are scared and worried fact both have now retreated to the underside of the bed...Churchill is not happy...bit of a squeeze with Harry who has a head the size of Piers Morgan's ego.
Suprised he can get under the bed.!!!
No. The other day I didn't start getting hypo symptoms til I'd tested, checked the meter and realised I was. Just glad it didn't involve a vial of cyanide.
Ergo, Schroedinger's Hypo :D


We’re all subject to the laws of physics,
I don’t think you’d argue with that!
So it follows that our dear diabetes
Might behave just like Schroedinger’s cat!

For a cat that is sealed in a container
May be subject to quantum events –
It will either survive and remain quite alive,
Or poof! In a flash, heaven sent!

It’s only upon observation
That we can learn of the poor moggie’s fate,
As we lift up the lid, did it die? Yes it did!
For we just fixed the true quantum state!

Likewise, with the strange quantum hypo,
That a random blood test may produce -
From out of nowhere, the hypo is there,
For reasons bizarre and obtuse!

Then once you have glanced at the number,
All at once your defences will slip,
And reality swirls as your neurons unfurl,
And the universe loses its grip!

To restore such a quantum imbalance
Take sugar as soon as you can!
For its fine crystalline carbon structure
Is the best antidote known to Man!
Oh, he is so cute. I used to have a similar moggie, who was born and bred in the local psychiatric hospital. Not politically correct but I think he had a bit of interbreeding problems as he was a bit funny. Name of arfur.
Suprised he can get under the bed.!!!
Not in his entirety Carol...had the op many months ago...but that's another thread...and off tangent...and lowering the tone...forgive me...just his his next life convinced he is coming back as an ostrich! far is the loo from your current location...we can always discuss mathematical equations if you feel up to it?
Oh, he is so cute. I used to have a similar moggie, who was born and bred in the local psychiatric hospital. Not politically correct but I think he had a bit of interbreeding problems as he was a bit funny. Name of arfur.
Still laughing...neighbours are concerned...just had a text from one.
As I am smitten with a vile bug, I will say "bug&£@ off" to your kind offer. But if you want the amount of steps, leg length etc, you can do the maths. It might keep you out of mischief