Group 7-day waking average?

Snap @Northerner 7.2 for me too. Going to get another Libre sensor on Friday as things seem a little unpredictable at the moment.
Morning all. 6.9 for me today.
I'd be interested if you could point me to any sources for research leading to these conclusions @Owen. I'm surprised I've never come across this, given the amount of stuff I have read over the past 8 years.
"early symptoms can be sweating, tremor, weakness, tachycardia and hypertension" (Wallymahmed 2007). Hypoglycaemia is an acute complication of diabetes that increases morbidity, mortality... (Fidler et al 2011). Severe hypoglycaemia can lead to mental disorientation, convulsions, unconsciousness and death with blood glucose below 3mmol starting to effect the brain (Totora and Dickenson 2011).

I could spend the day adding additional supporting evidence, but to be honest I will not. I have imparted some knowledge that I have discovered and it is down to individuals to choose what they want to do with it. I come here like everyone else to support or be supported. I have left Plato's cave and understand why others may be reluctant to remain.
"early symptoms can be sweating, tremor, weakness, tachycardia and hypertension" (Wallymahmed 2007). Hypoglycaemia is an acute complication of diabetes that increases morbidity, mortality... (Fidler et al 2011). Severe hypoglycaemia can lead to mental disorientation, convulsions, unconsciousness and death with blood glucose below 3mmol starting to effect the brain (Totora and Dickenson 2011).

I could spend the day adding additional supporting evidence, but to be honest I will not. I have imparted some knowledge that I have discovered and it is down to individuals to choose what they want to do with it. I come here like everyone else to support or be supported. I have left Plato's cave and understand why others may be reluctant to remain.
OMG Plato's cave...wrote an essay on that years ago Owen...still haunts me.
Morning...6.7 today...nibbling before bed again...decided today will be a good day.
Profound isn't it 🙂
Why do I feel like a heretic?
Why do I feel like a heretic? Owen...I read your posts...interesting and for Plato's cave possibly profound...however...prefer to stick with haunting...back in that cave now...all those lonely unquestioning figures back and forth...back and forth...great analogy.
3.5 for me this morning, despite running higher last night and going to bed on 9.1. I only just reduced Lantus last week to an all time low of 7. And the dawn phenom seems to have disappeared, I've needed less breakfast Bolus the last couple of days. I can't believe my pancreas is having a last hurrah after 10 years. The only thing I've done differently is reduced my calorie intake ( not drastically) to shed a couple of Xmas pounds, but why should that make such a huge difference?
3.5 for me this morning, despite running higher last night and going to bed on 9.1. I only just reduced Lantus last week to an all time low of 7. And the dawn phenom seems to have disappeared, I've needed less breakfast Bolus the last couple of days. I can't believe my pancreas is having a last hurrah after 10 years. The only thing I've done differently is reduced my calorie intake ( not drastically) to shed a couple of Xmas pounds, but why should that make such a huge difference?
Sounds like you're heading in the same direction as me @Robin! I was 4 years in when my lantus reduced to zero from a starting point of 20 units! Haven't touched a drop since! 🙂
Morning all, 9 for me today.
Good morning. 9.1 for me.
Got home late. 2 multigrain crackers and 1/2 slice of edam cheese.
My bad bedtime behaviour used to be so much more interesting. 😳🙄
Really devil you!!
I could spend the day adding additional supporting evidence, but to be honest I will not. I have imparted some knowledge that I have discovered and it is down to individuals to choose what they want to do with it. I come here like everyone else to support or be supported. I have left Plato's cave and understand why others may be reluctant to remain.
Thanks for this @Owen. I wasn't challenging what you were saying, just wanted to read more 🙂 Whilst hypos are clearly an abnormal situation to be avoided wherever possible, I wouldn't want people, especially newly-diagnosed, to feel they were at imminent risk of a heart attack should they ever fall below 4.0 (just reminded me of the film Speed!). To be avoided whenever possible, certainly, but in reality occasionally unpreventable and unfathomable - Plato's Cave, indeed 🙂
Good morning everyone. 5.5 today
Morning all.🙂 7.0 here.😛

Well, I think they got the flu jab wrong this year - I feel like s**t. There'll be no teaching today, just low-key crowd control and lots of writing to keep them busy, tee hee.:confused:🙂

I hope your mum's situation improves soon, Amigo. How awful for you all. :( (((Hugs)))
Think you are right blodem. Struck down with bug yesterday. Off sick yesterday and today, miserable as well. Spent yesterday cooried in asd sleeping through old episodes of Frost and the Royal
BG 13.2 this morning, but up at 0230 for pills and sandwich to wash them down.
Have a bit of brain fog, but just had phone call about blocking nuisance phone calls. Mmm. Not so much fog, put the phone down when they asked for bank card details
Hope everybody are fine today
Morning all.🙂 7.0 here.😛

Well, I think they got the flu jab wrong this year - I feel like s**t. There'll be no teaching today, just low-key crowd control and lots of writing to keep them busy, tee hee.:confused:🙂

I hope your mum's situation improves soon, Amigo. How awful for you all. :( (((Hugs)))
Think you are right blodem. Struck down with bug yesterday. Off sick yesterday and today, miserable as well. Spent yesterday cooried in asd sleeping through old episodes of Frost and the Royal
BG 13.2 this morning, but up at 0230 for pills and sandwich to wash them down.
Have a bit of brain fog, but just had phone call about blocking nuisance phone calls. Mmm. Not so much fog, put the phone down when they asked for bank card details
Hope everybody are fine today
Ooh not a good start for either of you...Carol stay where you are...keep warm...Bloden at are dedicated...wishing a speedy recovery for both of you