Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.🙂 A pesky 11.1 here.o_O I have to accept that I'm coming down with this horrible bug that all my little pupils have had...come on flu jab, do your job!:confused:😉

How are your mums doing, Amigo and NJ?
No idea! Well, part of an idea, didn't eat very much yesterday evening, decided it was time to start shedding a couple of Xmas pounds. Maybe going to have to shed a bit of Lantus as well.
Oo er foreign territory for me idea about Lantus...although thinking it would be useful for me to educate myself in respect of type 1...always curious about bolusing/splitting doses etc ... (oops nearly said something else then)...good luck!
Morning all, 12.9 on waking, 9.5 by the time I walked to the office.
Morning all.🙂 A pesky 11.1 here.o_O I have to accept that I'm coming down with this horrible bug that all my little pupils have had...come on flu jab, do your job!:confused:😉

How are your mums doing, Amigo and NJ?
Shame Bloden...we have to face it those little darlings are the worse harbingers of bacteria/germs and nasty bugs however cute and adorable they may be!!...hope it passes you by...or passes quickly if it does!
Shame Bloden...we have to face it those little darlings are the worse harbingers of bacteria/germs and nasty bugs however cute and adorable they may be!!...hope it passes you by...or passes quickly if it does!
Right now, I feel like it's passing thru me (too graphic?). Some of my little 'uns have been really ill - one of them was in hozzie for 4 days with a temperature of 40...😱...he's back to his normal boisterous, shouty self now tho!:D
Good morning! A 5.3 for me. I'm really happy with my waking figures recently, despite my recent food errors.:confused:
Right now, I feel like it's passing thru me (too graphic?). Some of my little 'uns have been really ill - one of them was in hozzie for 4 days with a temperature of 40...😱...he's back to his normal boisterous, shouty self now tho!:D
No...not too graphic for a well seasoned Metformin user...gosh temperature of 40...right in the thick of suit would be so useful right now!
Morning all, 12.9 on waking, 9.5 by the time I walked to the office.
Clearly the walk to the office was productive if you walked all the way home to souf end...who knows...hope those numbers even out soon:D:D:D
Clearly the walk to the office was productive if you walked all the way home to souf end...who knows...hope those numbers even out soon:D:D:D

These are about average numbers for me. I walk to the office almost every morning, as long as its not raining, and have brekkie when get there. Back to the dr's in 2 1/2 weeks.
These are about average numbers for me. I walk to the office almost every morning, as long as its not raining, and have brekkie when get there. Back to the dr's in 2 1/2 weeks.
Not too long then Stitch...hope you get the right support finally...good luck.
Not too long then Stitch...hope you get the right support finally...good luck.
Fingers crossed. Its only been 17 months since diagnosis, almost 18. We shall see.
4.8 this morning - seeing DSN on Friday.

They called me as they reckon my HbA1c of 5.9% (40) is too low

Will see what she has to say then
4.8 this morning - seeing DSN on Friday.

They called me as they reckon my HbA1c of 5.9% (40) is too low

Will see what she has to say then
If that's too low then the entire non-diabetic population are in trouble, given that I think it's bl***y good! 🙂 I suspect they want to give you the 'too many hypos' inquisition and can't believe you're achieving it through your efforts in losing weight and eating healthily 🙂
Exactly Alan. I have been reducing my doseage of insulin, as and when appropriate.

As I no longer drive, hypos (seldom) I can live with.

I believe that by the end of this year, I could be insulin free, but I want to be in charge of that. It has taken a lot of work to get to this stage and I I do not want a jobsworth telling me what to do
Good morning. 6.2 again this morning.
Exactly Alan. I have been reducing my doseage of insulin, as and when appropriate.

As I no longer drive, hypos (seldom) I can live with.

I believe that by the end of this year, I could be insulin free, but I want to be in charge of that. It has taken a lot of work to get to this stage and I I do not want a jobsworth telling me what to do

Good for you hazel...we all need to stand our ground on occasion...interesting to hear what response you get.
4.8 this morning - seeing DSN on Friday.

They called me as they reckon my HbA1c of 5.9% (40) is too low

Will see what she has to say then