Group 7-day waking average?

Monday already?...6.1 for me today...going down...stand clear of the doors please:D
Morning all 6.4 for me. Much better than the 11.2 @ bedtime or 2.8 @ 12:30 . Oh the joys of being a monkey on pancreas juice. Have a good week and let's be level out there.
7.4 this wet morning for me. Given my readings in the 7s the past few mornings and getting a slight headache within 5 mins of getting up, I think some basal testing is in order :(. On the bright side, this is my last working week!
Good morning everyone 🙂 and 6.5 today. Hope my meter is settling down after some odd readings past couple of days. Or maybe it's me! 😱
How's your mum Amigo? Hope she's doing well.
Morning all! A rather acceptable 5.1 this morning after being over 8 for 2 hours last night. Made a Yorkshire pud using Spelt flour, but spiked me worse than a normal one!
Morning all.have a nice Monday . not so good 13.6 organised for work, so here's to new beginings.
Morning all, is it monday already!!! Anyway, 10.5 for me today.
Morning all, a nice round, er, 4.9-5.1 here. Pouring with rain again, we had rain all day yesterday, can someone please switch the tap off?
Morning all, a nice round, er, 4.9-5.1 here. Pouring with rain again, we had rain all day yesterday, can someone please switch the tap off?
I think that tap needs a new washer :D
Morning all.🙂 An annoying 12.6 here. I'm really active at weekends at the mo, which means significant drops in doses, but then the activity stops and I go high...another learning curve, ho hum!🙄

Hope your mum's doing better, Amigo.
Morning all, a nice round, er, 4.9-5.1 here. Pouring with rain again, we had rain all day yesterday, can someone please switch the tap off?
Raining here too, so can anyone please tell me why schoolchildren these days walk to school with no coat on and presumably then have to spend the entire morning drying out, sat there doing their lessons in an uncomfortable, wet jumper :confused: Why???!!! 😱
Relieved to hear you got to your mum NJ...must have been a nightmare for you...hope those lows are temporary...and very much hope your mums operation is on the cards wishes for her speedy recovery.
Thanks for your lovely supportive message and think my pancreas started working a little for a couple of days. Back to normal today I expect!
Thanks for your lovely supportive message and think my pancreas started working a little for a couple of days. Back to normal today I expect!
You're welcome NJ...hoping things are better for both of you this week.
Raining here too, so can anyone please tell me why schoolchildren these days walk to school with no coat on and presumably then have to spend the entire morning drying out, sat there doing their lessons in an uncomfortable, wet jumper :confused: Why???!!! 😱
It's not cool. It just isn't. OK?! (quote, my kids about ten years ago when they were at school and I was brandishing coats at the door)
Raining here too, so can anyone please tell me why schoolchildren these days walk to school with no coat on and presumably then have to spend the entire morning drying out, sat there doing their lessons in an uncomfortable, wet jumper :confused: Why???!!! 😱
All I can say is when I was at school a blooming long time ago we must have been far more sensible