Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all my friends at 6.30am my FBG was 5.0
Hope your mum is ok Amigo. X
Morning all, 10.1 for me today.
@Amigo, hope your mum is ok.
It's a 5.5 for me today on my first Diaversary.🙂
Morning, not tested yet but started the day early with a start to say my mum has been rushed into hospital. Heading off there soon :(

Linda, sounds like strange readings for you, I'd check your meter
Sorry to hear that Amigo...hoping she is OK.
Hope you mum is ok Amigo.
A 7.0 for me this morning. Was 4 9 before bed so had a malted milk biscuit (only 5g carbs) so not sure where the 7 has come from. Never mind, hopefully dog walk will bring that down a bit.
Morning all. 3.6 this morning (prosecco induced I think)

Amigo thinking of you and hope your mum is ok x
Good morning all and 4.8 for me after bad day yesterday with two lows which is unusual for me. The second at 8 last night and it was 3.2 just after I told my Mum I was going to her house as she was scared she was about to have a stroke. I am seeing her most days as she is waiting for a heart operation, felt so frustrated and worried as I waited for over an hour before I could drive. Luckily I talked her though a plan and when I got there she was calm and resting. Wishing everyone a relaxing day.
Morning, not tested yet but started the day early with a start to say my mum has been rushed into hospital. Heading off there soon :(

Good morning @Amigo I do hope your mum is OK🙂
Good morning all and 4.8 for me after bad day yesterday with two lows which is unusual for me. The second at 8 last night and it was 3.2 just after I told my Mum I was going to her house as she was scared she was about to have a stroke. I am seeing her most days as she is waiting for a heart operation, felt so frustrated and worried as I waited for over an hour before I could drive. Luckily I talked her though a plan and when I got there she was calm and resting. Wishing everyone a relaxing day.
Relieved to hear you got to your mum NJ...must have been a nightmare for you...hope those lows are temporary...and very much hope your mums operation is on the cards wishes for her speedy recovery.
Hope you mums ok amigo.
12.6 for me this morning
Didn't surface until 11.30am this morning. I tested 2 hours after eating my "second xmas" yesterday and 8.8!! I think it was the iced, vegan cake that did it as the baker told me they had to add so much more icing sugar than normal to the dairy free butter cream! Not bad though as I had nut roast wellington (only ate a small bit of the pastry), 3 small potatoes and then an average size slice of cake. Resisted the apple crumble. Didn't test before bed as wine made me sleepy!! 6.3 when I was awake enough to test at midday today! I also didn't take my met last night or today until about an hour ago!
Good afternoon. 9.0 today. Have yet to get out of bed, yet! 😎
I expect to remain here for the day. No reason, it's just too nice.
Morning, not tested yet but started the day early with a start to say my mum has been rushed into hospital. Heading off there soon :(

Linda, sounds like strange readings for you, I'd check your meter
Best wishes to your mum Amigo. I hope she's soon home and feeling better xx
Morning, not tested yet but started the day early with a start to say my mum has been rushed into hospital. Heading off there soon :(

Hope your mother is okay
Evenin' all, 6.4 for me first thing. 🙂

Hope all Mum's are okay! Mine's pigging out on grapes.
Good morning everyone. A much better 5.9 today.
@Amigo , Sorry to hear your Mum is in hospital again. What a worry for you.