Group 7-day waking average?

Just tested 16.5. Revenge of the Indian meal and last cystitis sachet.
Now new beginings
Blimey Carol...and I so enjoyed that Indian meal (albeit vicariously)...anyway entitled to fortify yourself before the big push to getting that BG where you want it...desperate to hear what on the menu...unless that would be too traumatic for you😉😉😉
Morning! A rather alcohol induced 5.0 this morning. Wife is still sleeping it off.
Sorry to hear about the PCN.:( I don't have to pay the congestion charge as my car has free tax due to low emissions, but in a previous life I only slipped slightly into the zone & didn't realise until the PCN came through the door!
Done that so many times Mark...think I'd have learnt my lesson by now!
Glad to see another sloth around. In pj,s, first coffee and cooried in bed reading posts. Life of Riley for me today
Felt did pooh patrol in garden...fed Harry...walked home...planned day of action...slowly reconsidering that now!!
@Carolg you were my inspiration today with the Dietician I met with today. She was really pleased with what I was doing, and pleased I already was practising a lot of what she would be telling me. And my HbA1c was down, a little lower than the goal set at diagnosis. 🙂
Like the photo Sadbhb...good to put a face to the names🙂
Ooh all you lazy bones! Apple crumble made, all veg prepped, table laid, stairs hovered, bins emptied, loos cleaned, slice of toast eaten and thinking is it too early for wine!!
Ooh all you lazy bones! Apple crumble made, all veg prepped, table laid, stairs hovered, bins emptied, loos cleaned, slice of toast eaten and thinking is it too early for wine!!

You deserve wine after all that early morning effort and a portion of apple crumble! Unfortunately my joints are so painful now on a morning I'm grateful if I have enough energy to get dressed some days! Sigh....:(
I'm still in my dressing gown. Will have to think about getting dressed as got to go shopping, tidy up kitchen, got washing to do, but maybe just one more go on Candy Crush first.:D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas


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Prynhawn da pawb ...I tested at 07:15 this morning and got a crappy 9.9 :( This might have had something to do with the donut I ate when I got in from Scouts last night but I did eat it 10 hours earlier than my test! Such are the trials of being T2 without an option to Bolus for intake. Either eat nothing and you might just make it or eat something and live with higher than wanted numbers.
Read Wheat Belly, you won't eat any more doughnuts! I'm never eating anything wheat related ever again! Frightened the wits outta me! 😱

6.6 when I got up.
Good morning everyone. had another day of corrections, I Went to bed on 5.3 :D I had a small snack and woke up to a horrid 9.1 today . I will be glad when D decides I'm actually better.
Ooh all you lazy bones! Apple crumble made, all veg prepped, table laid, stairs hovered, bins emptied, loos cleaned, slice of toast eaten and thinking is it too early for wine!!
Never too early for wine Grogg:D
Urghh...morning all...up early to a 6.4...doing well yesterday...go down to several 5's ..spoilt it by nibbling away before bed again last night...still not too shabby.
Good morning all 🙂.
Well after 2 very low readings yesterday I got 8.1 this morning. Retested and got 7.5. Totally wrong for how I've been eating. In fact I've lost my xmas excess and down to usual weight as well. I left meter in car last night and initially it gave an error E4? But warmed it up and working fine again. Just have to accept it I suppose.