Group 7-day waking average?

Snow here too. Last year we didn't get any snow till April 28. Ah well.

Having a dead straight line overnight, I emerged from my pit with a score of 5.2. No snuggling for me, I've got a birthday cake to make, the family are arriving late this afternoon, and it's my grandson's second birthday.🙂

Have a lovely family occasion Mike 🙂
Morning gang. As I gaze out over the snowy wasteland of the garden, and more snow falling, my waking blood sugar is a textbook 5.2. Argyll and Bute council didn't quite get around to gritting the main road through the village. Not that there's much traffic with the ferries not running. It'll be fun skidding down to the shop this morning in the electric wheelchair. It's not four wheel drive...:confused:
Best get the chains on, Mikey.🙄

A belated post after an early start...8.3 here. Bedtime biscuit was too much methinks.
Enjoy the weekend!😛
Thanks all. Dietitian went well, she thinks my journey is common and although I was honest, when I am more compliant with diet may still not get better results due to insulin resistance, but good that I plan to do my bit and went over carb reduction etc. Good advice and on my comment that was I over thinking things, she was gently agreeing.i asked her some questions like if I am hungry and high BG do I not eat carbs, and she gave me lots of reassurance as I'm not on insulin. It's not so much my meals that are the issue, more my snacks. She thinks my grasp of things is good, it's the doing that I have not been doing. I can ask for more help if I need it. Oh and she raised the boggy exercise word. So watch this space and don't let me moan tomorrow cause I'm going out with friends for an Indian meal, and plan to enjoy. Maybe g n t rather than pink wine Have a good night all from cold white Leven
@Carolg you were my inspiration today with the Dietician I met with today. She was really pleased with what I was doing, and pleased I already was practising a lot of what she would be telling me. And my HbA1c was down, a little lower than the goal set at diagnosis. 🙂
@Carolg you were my inspiration today with the Dietician I met with today. She was really pleased with what I was doing, and pleased I already was practising a lot of what she would be telling me. And my HbA1c was down, a little lower than the goal set at diagnosis. 🙂
That's fantastic news. Well done. Isn't it lovely to be able to relate nice stories
Have been for an Indian meal, delicious, good company and don't care about diabetes. Tomorrow is the start of my planned approach, so woop , woop, here I go
6.2 @ 5.55

Went out in blizzard conditions at 7 for The Sun...I'm collecting the tokens and hoping to get to Skeggy on a shoestring. :D
Thanks all. Dietitian went well, she thinks my journey is common and although I was honest, when I am more compliant with diet may still not get better results due to insulin resistance, but good that I plan to do my bit and went over carb reduction etc. Good advice and on my comment that was I over thinking things, she was gently agreeing.i asked her some questions like if I am hungry and high BG do I not eat carbs, and she gave me lots of reassurance as I'm not on insulin. It's not so much my meals that are the issue, more my snacks. She thinks my grasp of things is good, it's the doing that I have not been doing. I can ask for more help if I need it. Oh and she raised the boggy exercise word. So watch this space and don't let me moan tomorrow cause I'm going out with friends for an Indian meal, and plan to enjoy. Maybe g n t rather than pink wine Have a good night all from cold white Leven
Gives you a lift when you have a positive appointment Carol...when you know you are really being listened for exercise...I'm sure you walked to your table at the restaurant...then a walk to the 'Laidees'room...walked out of the restaurant...there now you've made a good start on the exercise that felt good...drooling at the thought of an Indian meal as my eyes wander over to my breakfast...banana & yoghurt...yum...would kill for a plate (large) of lamb madras...pilau rice...couple of bhajis .
Thank you all for your well wishes. I had to resort to getting a taxi as I was like Bambi on ice, it was impossible to walk on crutches. Still waiting for things to mend but hey ho I still have my leg which means the world 🙂
Long may that continue Flower...sounds like you gave 'Scott of the Antartic' a run for his money yesterday...intrepid or what!
@Carolg you were my inspiration today with the Dietician I met with today. She was really pleased with what I was doing, and pleased I already was practising a lot of what she would be telling me. And my HbA1c was down, a little lower than the goal set at diagnosis. 🙂
Well done Sadhbh...heading in the right direction.
4.8 this morning
Morning...up to a 6.6 today...not too shabby after paying my congestion charge fine last night...and a PCN...after which I succumbed to a packet of Pom Bears...Quavers...and some cheese before bed...felt good to be naughty...I know how to live dangerously:D:D:D
Under bolused for my Indian takeaway last night so a 7.3 this morning. Thoroughly enjoyed it though as first since DX, and I'll know for next time🙂
A naughty 6.7 for me. I'm normally never higher than about 5.6 in the morning but was up at 5am stressed as I have 10 people coming for lunch and needed to get the main in my slow cooker!

I'm guessing my liver decided to pump out some energy for me as after prepping the food I laid the table, sorting the washing showered and washed my hair and then remembered I needed to test. Chilling now with cup of tea🙂
A naughty 6.7 for me. I'm normally never higher than about 5.6 in the morning but was up at 5am stressed as I have 10 people coming for lunch and needed to get the main in my slow cooker!

I'm guessing my liver decided to pump out some energy for me as after prepping the food I laid the table, sorting the washing showered and washed my hair and then remembered I needed to test. Chilling now with cup of tea🙂
Oh my word Grogg...exhausted just reading that...slow down...please...only just on my second uncombed...still in PJ's...puts me to shame!
Morning all. Glad to hear that people's recent appointments have all had positive results. Hopefully mine at the end of the month will be the same. 9.4 for me today. Getting a new tattoo done later, can't wait.
6.2 @ 5.55

Went out in blizzard conditions at 7 for The Sun...I'm collecting the tokens and hoping to get to Skeggy on a shoestring. :D
I'm going somewhere on west coast with my friends through the last set of vouchers. Have paid all extra bits so only spending money to but aside, and plus is we can use bus passes to get around