Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 7.4 this morning, but have been feeling a bit off since Sunday, and found out there is a UTI lurking.
Meant to have physio today, snow will put kabosh on that, but Dietician is tomorrow. That's the one I really was interested in.
Now, just crossing all fingers that this snowfall it's gone in the morning, and the train is running!!
Take care and hope you feel better soon
Morning all. 12.6 for me but had a sachet of cystitis stuff last night (full of sugar)what don't cure you and all that
Morning all, 4.2 here. You'd think they'd make cystitis stuff sugar free - sugar doesn't exactly help the condition! Let alone the effect on BGs.
Morning all, 4.2 here. You'd think they'd make cystitis stuff sugar free - sugar doesn't exactly help the condition! Let alone the effect on BGs.
You are so right Robin. I will have a hunt, but got this lot from my friend which let me get started.
So glad to hear you had a really positive appt, Carol! That DSN sounds fab, hang on to her.🙄😛

Morning all.🙂 6.9 here after a banging hypo at 4a.m. 😱 Being more active than usual is to blame. I had great figures at Xmas cos I was very active. I can't be that active now I'm back at work, but I'm trying to do more...I was amazed at Xmas by how much I was able to lower my doses and maintain my pesky BGs in range. :D Activity rocks!
Morning all, 10.0 for me today.
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm lucky to get 6.5 this morning. My MIL was 97 yesterday and left us a tin of roses which I started on 😱 Better give the rest away!
Hope those feeling below par soon perk up 🙂
Morning gang. As I gaze out over the snowy wasteland of the garden, and more snow falling, my waking blood sugar is a textbook 5.2. Argyll and Bute council didn't quite get around to gritting the main road through the village. Not that there's much traffic with the ferries not running. It'll be fun skidding down to the shop this morning in the electric wheelchair. It's not four wheel drive...:confused:
Good luck today
Thanks Carol...really peed off...blasted Warfarin levels down taking 15mgs of Warfarin a day...frustrating.
Morning gang. As I gaze out over the snowy wasteland of the garden, and more snow falling, my waking blood sugar is a textbook 5.2. Argyll and Bute council didn't quite get around to gritting the main road through the village. Not that there's much traffic with the ferries not running. It'll be fun skidding down to the shop this morning in the electric wheelchair. It's not four wheel drive...:confused:
Congrats on the House Special. I was thinking maybe skis fitted to your wheelchair, but I suppose that would only help on the downhill sections.
Morning all. 7.9 for me today - brisk walk done and sugars coming down nicely now 🙂
Morning gang. As I gaze out over the snowy wasteland of the garden, and more snow falling, my waking blood sugar is a textbook 5.2. Argyll and Bute council didn't quite get around to gritting the main road through the village. Not that there's much traffic with the ferries not running. It'll be fun skidding down to the shop this morning in the electric wheelchair. It's not four wheel drive...:confused:

Same here, Mike. I don't go out until it's gone.
Good morning everyone.
8.8 today :(. Whatever I've got dads now got it too :confused: . I wonder if we picked this prezzy up at the doctors surgery the other day.
5.1 this morning
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Good morning everyone.
8.8 today :(. Whatever I've got dads now got it too :confused: . I wonder if we picked this prezzy up at the doctors surgery the other day.
A 20 min after waking reading of 7.0. About right as I normally go up 1 - 1.5 in first hour or so, so waking was probably mid 6s.