Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon from the crabbit witch from hell. Folk at work are probably pleased I have a half day off. Went for diabetes review (clue is in name) and turned up and young lady going to do diabetes review bloods(all done before Xmas). Mistake made in appointment and as I was feeling yuk anyway, I wasn't too happy, and had arranged to go into work late.she was lovely, apologies and got me appointment for tomorrow, but with reassurance she would watch out for a cancellation today, but so another late start tomorrow . Managed to find out that Hb1ac has gone up from 58 to77which she said was high (no whatsit Sherlock was not my response). I almost just left surgery but decided to speak to receptionist who gaily told me I had to specify what the appointment was for-duh, seeing as how I had made both appointments at the same time. ... She apologised and will speak to the practice manager as I voiced my concerns. tGosh knows what I will get when I go next week for smear test-maybe a prostate exam???. So on a happier note, I.m now watching rubbish day time tv, heating a hot water bottle for my sore back, and swallowing paracetamol for various aches and pains.thanks for listening. Carol
Hello everyone. Just a wee update. I know sometimes things don't go so well, but nurse today was brilliant. I took all my bits n pieces and got good advice. Told her I had diabetes denial, and that although I know they don't agree about testing, that I had fallen off the waggon and had not been testing as much so things got bad. She was supportive and guess what, advised to test before meals but not get to hung up on it, and test 2 hours after and look for levels at that time of no more than 10. (Maybe more achievable at present) No quibble and agreed to ask for dietitian referral, and have now got appointment for Friday. 3 month grace of no change to meds,and review of Hb1ac then, advice about how to get help for broken toenail, and a visit to cheaply shop for meds for ?cystitis. Cholesterol down to 4.5 and weight down as well. Oh and BP fantastic. Felt like I was listened to, and I think she was glad of my honesty. Rolling on feeling better. Thanks everyone for listening and support
Hello everyone. Just a wee update. I know sometimes things don't go so well, but nurse today was brilliant. I took all my bits n pieces and got good advice. Told her I had diabetes denial, and that although I know they don't agree about testing, that I had fallen off the waggon and had not been testing as much so things got bad. She was supportive and guess what, advised to test before meals but not get to hung up on it, and test 2 hours after and look for levels at that time of no more than 10. (Maybe more achievable at present) No quibble and agreed to ask for dietitian referral, and have now got appointment for Friday. 3 month grace of no change to meds,and review of Hb1ac then, advice about how to get help for broken toenail, and a visit to cheaply shop for meds for ?cystitis. Cholesterol down to 4.5 and weight down as well. Oh and BP fantastic. Felt like I was listened to, and I think she was glad of my honesty. Rolling on feeling better. Thanks everyone for listening and support

That sounds very sensible and pro-active carol. All will be well soon I'm sure! 🙂
Thanks amigo. It was nice not to feel a failure and given opportunity and time to take a bit of control again. I would have tested anyhow, but glad it wasn't poo ho'od . She was also very gentle about regularity of meals, which is a bit of an issue for me at times, cause I've been getting later having lunch etc, so I will have to look after my time management. Hopefully aches n pains will subside, but I should feel lucky compared to other folks
Oh Carolg a great big ((((((hug))))))) for you.
I'm glad to hear she listened to you and was supportive.
Morning...7 dead on today...that'll teach me to nibble at bedtime😳😳😳
Good morning everyone. Started to feel rough yesterday, no idea what's up but something's definitely brewing . 7.1 today.
Hello everyone. Just a wee update. I know sometimes things don't go so well, but nurse today was brilliant. I took all my bits n pieces and got good advice. Told her I had diabetes denial, and that although I know they don't agree about testing, that I had fallen off the waggon and had not been testing as much so things got bad. She was supportive and guess what, advised to test before meals but not get to hung up on it, and test 2 hours after and look for levels at that time of no more than 10. (Maybe more achievable at present) No quibble and agreed to ask for dietitian referral, and have now got appointment for Friday. 3 month grace of no change to meds,and review of Hb1ac then, advice about how to get help for broken toenail, and a visit to cheaply shop for meds for ?cystitis. Cholesterol down to 4.5 and weight down as well. Oh and BP fantastic. Felt like I was listened to, and I think she was glad of my honesty. Rolling on feeling better. Thanks everyone for listening and support
You must be so relieved Carol...a positive appointment is worth its weigh in gold...particularly in the light of your recent experiences...and great results.
Good morning everyone. Started to feel rough yesterday, no idea what's up but something's definitely brewing . 7.1 today.
Hope its just a temporary blip Lin...and nothing brewing🙂
Morning all - 5.0 today
Hello everyone. Just a wee update. I know sometimes things don't go so well, but nurse today was brilliant. I took all my bits n pieces and got good advice. Told her I had diabetes denial, and that although I know they don't agree about testing, that I had fallen off the waggon and had not been testing as much so things got bad. She was supportive and guess what, advised to test before meals but not get to hung up on it, and test 2 hours after and look for levels at that time of no more than 10. (Maybe more achievable at present) No quibble and agreed to ask for dietitian referral, and have now got appointment for Friday. 3 month grace of no change to meds,and review of Hb1ac then, advice about how to get help for broken toenail, and a visit to cheaply shop for meds for ?cystitis. Cholesterol down to 4.5 and weight down as well. Oh and BP fantastic. Felt like I was listened to, and I think she was glad of my honesty. Rolling on feeling better. Thanks everyone for listening and support

That is really good news! I have an appointment with dietician tomorrow too, and I hope that is helpful.
Good morning. 7.4 this morning, but have been feeling a bit off since Sunday, and found out there is a UTI lurking.
Meant to have physio today, snow will put kabosh on that, but Dietician is tomorrow. That's the one I really was interested in.
Now, just crossing all fingers that this snowfall it's gone in the morning, and the train is running!!
This morning its a 5.4 for me x
Morning all. 7.3 for me but as I woke up at 4 this morning feeling grim and tested at 13 I'm not too upset at. Sometimes I don't understand this D lark at all.
Morning all. 7.3 for me but as I woke up at 4 this morning feeling grim and tested at 13 I'm not too upset at. Sometimes I don't understand this D lark at all.
Same here khskel!
Morning all. 6.6 for me today.
Morrrrrning! A not too shabby 5.5 this morning after a mega low carb food dsy yesterday.🙂
Good morning everyone. Started to feel rough yesterday, no idea what's up but something's definitely brewing . 7.1 today.
Hope you feel better soon and nothing too dire
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You must be so relieved Carol...a positive appointment is worth its weigh in gold...particularly in the light of your recent experiences...and great results.
That is really good news! I have an appointment with dietician tomorrow too, and I hope that is helpful.
Good luck today
Morning all. 7.3 for me but as I woke up at 4 this morning feeling grim and tested at 13 I'm not too upset at. Sometimes I don't understand this D lark at all.
It's certainly a mystery. Hope you are ok