Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all
5.5 for me today - welcome change to the double figures I've battled last two days non stop... everything crossed for a day of 5s today 🙂
Morning all
5.5 for me today - welcome change to the double figures I've battled last two days non stop... everything crossed for a day of 5s today 🙂
Well done...crossing those fingers for you.
Morning all
5.5 for me today - welcome change to the double figures I've battled last two days non stop... everything crossed for a day of 5s today 🙂
Well done, grainger! Budge up on the 5.5 step cos I'm joining you today 🙂
Afternoon from the crabbit witch from hell. Folk at work are probably pleased I have a half day off. Went for diabetes review (clue is in name) and turned up and young lady going to do diabetes review bloods(all done before Xmas). Mistake made in appointment and as I was feeling yuk anyway, I wasn't too happy, and had arranged to go into work late.she was lovely, apologies and got me appointment for tomorrow, but with reassurance she would watch out for a cancellation today, but so another late start tomorrow . Managed to find out that Hb1ac has gone up from 58 to77which she said was high (no whatsit Sherlock was not my response). I almost just left surgery but decided to speak to receptionist who gaily told me I had to specify what the appointment was for-duh, seeing as how I had made both appointments at the same time. ... She apologised and will speak to the practice manager as I voiced my concerns. tGosh knows what I will get when I go next week for smear test-maybe a prostate exam???. So on a happier note, I.m now watching rubbish day time tv, heating a hot water bottle for my sore back, and swallowing paracetamol for various aches and pains.thanks for listening. Carol
...and what's wrong with Health & safety? Harrumph!! We H&S people have feelings too! :(

Now put your hard hat back on and your steel toe capped Espadrilles and I might let you turn on a light switch ...provided you've had appropriate training
Nowt except along with a two and half hour journey there then back and feeling quite poorly. You forgot the step ladder to reach the light switch and the training to use the ladders. I fully agree with H&s but changing records n risk assessments is a big job.
Grrr. Some receptionists have obviously studied at a high level to reach such perfection in non joined up thinking.
Sorry to hear that you HbA1c has gone up. Hope you feel better soon. Sending a hug your way Carol. X
Sorry to hear that you HbA1c has gone up. Hope you feel better soon. Sending a hug your way Carol. X
Thanks stitch, I was so bad tempered this morning, and just wanted to cry, and partly down to some pain that I've stared having. Wonder if I have a uti which I've never had before. Hope that's it.
Thanks stitch, I was so bad tempered this morning, and just wanted to cry, and partly down to some pain that I've stared having. Wonder if I have a uti which I've never had before. Hope that's it.

Fingers crossed its that. Im expecting my next HbA1c to be up, blood tests on the 27th.
Afternoon from the crabbit witch from hell. Folk at work are probably pleased I have a half day off. Went for diabetes review (clue is in name) and turned up and young lady going to do diabetes review bloods(all done before Xmas). Mistake made in appointment and as I was feeling yuk anyway, I wasn't too happy, and had arranged to go into work late.she was lovely, apologies and got me appointment for tomorrow, but with reassurance she would watch out for a cancellation today, but so another late start tomorrow . Managed to find out that Hb1ac has gone up from 58 to77which she said was high (no whatsit Sherlock was not my response). I almost just left surgery but decided to speak to receptionist who gaily told me I had to specify what the appointment was for-duh, seeing as how I had made both appointments at the same time. ... She apologised and will speak to the practice manager as I voiced my concerns. tGosh knows what I will get when I go next week for smear test-maybe a prostate exam???. So on a happier note, I.m now watching rubbish day time tv, heating a hot water bottle for my sore back, and swallowing paracetamol for various aches and pains.thanks for listening. Carol

You sound sick as a beach donkey on Bank Holiday Monday! Totally empathise hun 'cos I've been lower than a snake's belly lately and I know how tempting the chocolate tin is on those days. But this phase will pass and you'll get back on track.
These bloody doctor's surgery with the one thing at a time lark. If we were cars, we've never run with those rules! 😡
Feel better soon x
Nowt except along with a two and half hour journey there then back and feeling quite poorly. You forgot the step ladder to reach the light switch and the training to use the ladders. I fully agree with H&s but changing records n risk assessments is a big job.
That's on a Working at Height course which is a totally different thing. Pah! o_O

Sorry to read you've been having a crap time of it what with stupid numbers and people who should know better but are actually discouraged from thinking about their job. To make you feel better I am eating a whole pack of virtual Tunnocks Tea Cakes on your behalf. I'd virtually offer you one but there's none left. :D:confused:
That's on a Working at Height course which is a totally different thing. Pah! o_O

Sorry to read you've been having a crap time of it what with stupid numbers and people who should know better but are actually discouraged from thinking about their job. To make you feel better I am eating a whole pack of virtual Tunnocks Tea Cakes on your behalf. I'd virtually offer you one but there's none left. :D:confused:
It's lovely of you to save me from my virtual self. One good thing, I've filled in food diary for today and yesterday. Today is good so far so am looking to get motivated and get some control. Think they will up meds but at least it will help. Hope you Enjoyed the tea cakes
You sound sick as a beach donkey on Bank Holiday Monday! Totally empathise hun 'cos I've been lower than a snake's belly lately and I know how tempting the chocolate tin is on those days. But this phase will pass and you'll get back on track.
These bloody doctor's surgery with the one thing at a time lark. If we were cars, we've never run with those rules! 😡
Feel better soon x
The worst thing was that I had 2 separate appointments, but they messed up. Grr. Love the analogy btw.
I've noticed northerner is missing...hope he's ok and not unwell.
He has been missing for 3 days now. I know he was coming down with the lurgy. Hopefully he is just snuggled up in bed keeping warm & hydrated.
Good morning everyone. Forgot to test when I woke up just before 4 am 7.8 now .
I hope Northener gets the tech issues sorted soon.