Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all...6.6 today 🙂

Higher than I like and I'm thinking maybe the boil in the bag fish I had for dinner at 5 yesterday? Will try that again later in the week see what results I get. It was delicious so hope I can keep on having it...the butter sauce mixed with the broccoli I had was scrummy. Have a good day peoples.
Oh bubbsie you made me laugh. No, exercise and me don't always mix. Training was health and safety, and though feeling grim, stayed awake. Glad you read things wrong, makes me feel better about when I do that
Good morning all...6.6 today 🙂

Higher than I like and I'm thinking maybe the boil in the bag fish I had for dinner at 5 yesterday? Will try that again later in the week see what results I get. It was delicious so hope I can keep on having it...the butter sauce mixed with the broccoli I had was scrummy. Have a good day peoples.
Ditto...we would all like to have lower numbers (obviously not too low)...a 6.6 is good...don't be too hard on yourself...given your morning postings quite impressed with your numbers...took me almost six months to get mine down to the sixes well done.
Morning all, 4.9 here. Pity I can't have cake and Cava every day.
Ooh...may try the cake and cava menu Robin...especially if it gives me a 4.9...sounds like you had a good day.🙂
Good morning 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Henry decided to whine last night. Even I could hear him without hearing aids! He sounded like a seal. Think he misses our company.
Oh bubbsie you made me laugh. No, exercise and me don't always mix. Training was health and safety, and though feeling grim, stayed awake. Glad you read things wrong, makes me feel better about when I do that
Do it all the time should see the texts I have sent to friends on my phone...some are hilarious...I write what I want to...then without realising my iPhone corrects them...and before I know it...they've been sent...anyway...benefitted from the extra activity...and I am not a natural exercise person...too many moving parts for that!!...just the walking...Harry complained...he's only got short legs...I blamed it on you:D:D:D
Oh yes, a bubbalicious 5-oh this morning, after some days of higher numbers which I blame on Christmas, New Year and Epiphany 🙂 !

Nice figure, PM. 🙂 My control was fab over Xmas and NY - it's back to boring old 'average-to-poor' now that I'm in my usual routine again, boo hoo.

Morning all.🙂 10.5 here.😱 Up with the Lantus, methinks.
Do it all the time should see the texts I have sent to friends on my phone...some are hilarious...I write what I want to...then without realising my iPhone corrects them...and before I know it...they've been sent...anyway...benefitted from the extra activity...and I am not a natural exercise person...too many moving parts for that!!...just the walking...Harry complained...he's only got short legs...I blamed it on you:D:D:D
Poor texts are nuts as well.
Good morning all...6.6 today 🙂

Higher than I like and I'm thinking maybe the boil in the bag fish I had for dinner at 5 yesterday? Will try that again later in the week see what results I get. It was delicious so hope I can keep on having it...the butter sauce mixed with the broccoli I had was scrummy. Have a good day peoples.

Ditto, you're being too hard on yourself. Boil in the bag fish in cream sauce is only 6.2 grams per 100 gram weight and served with broccoli is a very healthy choice. 6.6 is a decent number to wake on. I'll be happy if mine is that when I feel well enough to do it! 😉
A perfect 5.2 and I am looking after my ill 21 year old daughter who has a nasty virus, I am happy that I have it only mildly.
Woke to a 4.5 ... 🙂
Morning all, an annoying one for e today, 12. :( Cant wait until my appointment and blood tests at the end of the month.
Oh bubbsie you made me laugh. No, exercise and me don't always mix. Training was health and safety, and though feeling grim, stayed awake. Glad you read things wrong, makes me feel better about when I do that
...and what's wrong with Health & safety? Harrumph!! We H&S people have feelings too! :(

Now put your hard hat back on and your steel toe capped Espadrilles and I might let you turn on a light switch ...provided you've had appropriate training
Good morning 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Henry decided to whine last night. Even I could hear him without hearing aids! He sounded like a seal. Think he misses our company.
Poor Henry...a lotto get used to.
A perfect 5.2 and I am looking after my ill 21 year old daughter who has a nasty virus, I am happy that I have it only mildly.
Sorry to hear your daughter is ill NJ...hope it passes quickly...and you manage to steer clear of the worst of it...still great numbers!
Bore da pawb irksome 10.6 for me this morning after scoring an 8.2 before bed 7 hours earlier. I blame sleep - it is full of Carbs!
Nice figure, PM. 🙂 My control was fab over Xmas and NY - it's back to boring old 'average-to-poor' now that I'm in my usual routine again, boo hoo.

Morning all.🙂 10.5 here.😱 Up with the Lantus, methinks.
Similar here back to almost average...feeling the pressure to reduce numbers.😱😱😱
Morning all, vanishing post strikes again. I blame the Norwegians. Is it only Tuesday? It was a 6.5 for me which considering I was 8.7 @ 02:00 is OK. I'm going to try and get a slower acting insulin for the evenings as getting the timing right with Novorapid is a nightmare. Have a good day one and all.