Group 7-day waking average?

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Morning everyone. 13.0 for me without munching last night. Pretty fed up but clinic tomorrow.
Morning everyone. 13.0 for me without munching last night. Pretty fed up but clinic tomorrow.
Good luck at the clinic tomorrow Carol...hopefully you get some assistance with those BG numbers...frustrating for numbers were not coming down as I expected...fingers crossed.
Libre starting to show large differences from finger prick again. So both this morning and results are 7.8 / 4.9.
I noticed @Northerner wasn't about yesterday. Hope everything's ok.
Good luck at the clinic tomorrow Carol...hopefully you get some assistance with those BG numbers...frustrating for numbers were not coming down as I expected...fingers crossed.
Thanks bubbsie. Off early for training at other side of country, complete with low carb packed lunch, so trying to do my bit.
Thanks bubbsie. Off early for training at other side of country, complete with low carb packed lunch, so trying to do my bit.
Good for you Carol...blimey sounds like a tough 'regime'...and I thought I was pushing myself by adding an extra ten minutes to Harry's walk...well done you!
Morning all, managed a 5.2 House Special, and on my birthday too!
Hope you haven't succumbed too badly to your Lurgy, Northie.
Fabulous start to your birthday't spoil it with too much cake!:D
Morning all, managed a 5.2 House Special, and on my birthday too!
Hope you haven't succumbed too badly to your Lurgy, Northie.
Happy birthday, Robin!!! Hope it's a good 'un.😛:D😛

Morning all.🙂 10.0 for me.:confused:🙂 I must be excited about going back to work today.🙄
Morning all, annoying 11.2 for me this morning, down to only 10.4 after walking to the office. Cant wait to go back to the dr's in a few weeks time.
Morning x 5.2 here x 🙂
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