Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...a 9.1 for me this morning.
Morning all, annoying 11.2 for me this morning, down to only 10.4 after walking to the office. Cant wait to go back to the dr's in a few weeks time.
See what happens when LU have a strike ...your numbers go up. I blame the Unions!! (yours in particular 😉 ) :D
See what happens when LU have a strike ...your numbers go up. I blame the Unions!! (yours in particular 😉 ) :D
LOL! I dont think its the tube strike causing my high numbers!!! (my union isnt on strike 😛).
Morning all, managed a 5.2 House Special, and on my birthday too!
Hope you haven't succumbed too badly to your Lurgy, Northie.
Happy Birthday, @Robin 🙂
Oh yes, a bubbalicious 5-oh this morning, after some days of higher numbers which I blame on Christmas, New Year and Epiphany 🙂

And a happy birthday, @Robin :D !
6.3 got away with it again...

Happy Birthday Robin 🙂
Good morning everyone. 5.6 today 🙂
Morning...6.8 this morning.
Morning. 7.2/4.0 this morning. Looks like another call needed to Abbott, as apparently I was hypo for a large part of yesterday.....
Morning! A slightly higher 6.2 for no reason this morning. Must've been the kidney beans in dinner last night.:confused:
Good for you Carol...blimey sounds like a tough 'regime'...and I thought I was pushing myself by adding an extra ten minutes to Harry's walk...well done you!
Luck I wasn't driving, got home at 1850, had felt yuk all day and half day off today for electric visit.
Oh yes, a bubbalicious 5-oh this morning, after some days of higher numbers which I blame on Christmas, New Year and Epiphany 🙂

And a happy birthday, @Robin :D !
I just blame me and the fairy who buys food without looking at labels lol
Belated happy birthday robin
12.6 for me.look out nurse, here I come with all my gripes
Luck I wasn't driving, got home at 1850, had felt yuk all day and half day off today for electric visit.
Carol...just realised I'd got it all wrong...assumed when you said off for training the other side of the country I thought you were going to some sort of exercise Boot Camp...was so impressed...felt my walking efforts were totally inadequate...Job/Work training obviously...will read posts more carefully in future...poor Harry had ten minutes added to his walks yesterday...will pay more attention in future!