Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.6 on this foggy morn for me.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today.
Up early as off to dogs trust to get Henry an old black lab. Our new addition to the family 🙂
We want piccies once he's settled in 🙂
Of course GG 🙂 We have some already but will post on another thread later today.
Morning all a pizza survived 6.9. Nose doing tap impressions.
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Thanks Flower. He looks so sad and we can't wait to make him happy. 🙂
Good morning everyone. Lindarose please give Henry a cuddle from me.
10.2 for me after a nightmare with blood sugars yesterday.
Am very jealous of everyone's levels...mine are always high!!! Won't put them on here and ruin your average
Please do feel you can post your readings, it is very non judgemental here. Your diagnose is so recent and in my experience it takes time to bring down blood sugars. I am still quite new to this and I have received so much support here.
Thanks @Lindarose 🙂 It is high for me - but at least it had come down from the 11.1 I was at before bed! 😱 First number in double figures I've had for ages! Didn't fancy doing a correction, don't like going to bed with insulin circulating now that I'm used to not needing it.
I hope you are feeling better today Northerner, how horrible for you.
Good morning everyone, it is a 5.2 for me and wishing everyone a good weekend.
14.2 for me. Out for meal last night. Have a good weekend everyone and keep well
6.3 phew. My food addiction has me in its grip, I wouldn't have been surprised if I wasn't 23.0 this morning. :(
A nasty but well deserved 7 for me this morning :(
Henry sounds adorable Linda 🙂

No snooty cold yet Bubbsie, just the cough
Morning all, a 5.8 today, but everyone around me (and me) seems to be coughing still :(
Am very jealous of everyone's levels...mine are always high!!! Won't put them on here and ruin your average
I was up in high levels this time last year, came right down, but up there again. The support is more what it's about I think
Good morning ladies & gents. Only woke uo half an hour ago. Must've needed it. Surprisingly a 4.7 for me after a lay in.🙂
I was 4.7 on rising this morning
Afternoon all. Been up and out shopping with the bestie. I was at 11.4 this morning.