Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Glad it's Friday, could do this 2 day week (with full time wage)every week. 13.1 for me but now run out of test strips so will go on guess work till they arrive
Morning all. 9.7 for me today.
Hope your levels come down soon @AJLang. XX
Bore da pawb amongst all the sixes (apart from AJ's blip and Hazel's excellent journey south) I present you with an 8.9 today
A 6.9 for me and the development of a cough. Hope it's not one of those 'snooty' colds Bubbsie gets! :D
That's very high for you Northerner. Hope you soon feel better 🙂
That's very high for you Northerner. Hope you soon feel better 🙂
Thanks @Lindarose 🙂 It is high for me - but at least it had come down from the 11.1 I was at before bed! 😱 First number in double figures I've had for ages! Didn't fancy doing a correction, don't like going to bed with insulin circulating now that I'm used to not needing it.
Thank you everyone. 1 unit of insulin usually brings me down by 3 but today it took 7 units to get me from 16.3 to 9.2 but thankfully the ketones have gone. I'm guessing that it was a cannula problem. I feel wrecked.
I've had a truly horrible night. 2.7 just before going to bed, corrected, overshot, corrected that, had to get up twice for a poop, and eventually woke up with 10.2. And that poop business means I probably will need steroids for the UC which will bugger up the diabetes. I'll have to ring the DSN, I've never done steroids on split dose Levemir.

On the good side, steroids always make me high as a kite, so beware
Afternoon. It was a 5.4 for me which has since gone wrong after I hypo'd after breakfast and ate half the house haha. Hope you are all having nice eveins
Am very jealous of everyone's levels...mine are always high!!! Won't put them on here and ruin your average
Good morning 16.3 with ketones!!!
Blimey are things today?...sounds awful...hoping you are getting this sorted😱😱
A 6.9 for me and the development of a cough. Hope it's not one of those 'snooty' colds Bubbsie gets! :D
Only the best kind for me Amigo...hope your not too 'snooty' this morning.
Thank you everyone. 1 unit of insulin usually brings me down by 3 but today it took 7 units to get me from 16.3 to 9.2 but thankfully the ketones have gone. I'm guessing that it was a cannula problem. I feel wrecked.
Thank goodness...feet up this weekend.
After a full on day yesterday...6.3 for me this morning.
Good morning everyone. 6.4 today.