Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...a 7.8 from me today. Not feeling great today - head's a bit messed up (been replaying situations from 3 years ago) and I've got the shakes. Just waiting for that big lump of sky to drop on me.

Really sorry to hear you're feeling like this Jonsi. Hope the Sat meet helps.

A 6.4 for me and I'm off out early. Just wish I could shift this rotten tinnitus! :(
6.1 for me this morning.
Budge up, Greyhound Gal, I'm with you on the 6.1 step again today, after several mornings of 6.1s... it would be nice to get back to my usual 5s 🙄
14.0 for me this morning. Had been good and BG down to 10 before tea. Had chicken curry last night with a tiny wee drop of brown rice. BG went right up to 20 and stayed there till bed time.Forgot that although I made 1 portion, put raisins apple and mango chutney in. Methinks the damage was done..Och well, here I go again,better day I hope

I've done that kind of thing. If you've been in the habit of something that you thought was healthy eating, was by healthy eating, and suddenly the rules have changed. That's a combination slap-the-forehead and stamp your foot groaning! 🙂
4.3 this morning
Good morning everyone. Sneezy here is 7.2 :(
Morning everyone. 5.9 for me today.
Good morning everyone. Sneezy here is 7.2 :(
Morning too...a snooty cold is heading my way...shall we blame Northerner:D:D:D
Morning...5.6 today...okay with that...snotty cold was heading my it's arrived:(:(:(
Morning all. 6.6 for me after a very broken night's sleep. On the plus side a much better evening levels wise. I think I'm somewhere near with timings.
Morning...5.6 today...okay with that...snotty cold was heading my it's arrived:(:(:(
Oh, a snooty cold sounds much more interesting than a snotty one! I hope it blows over quickly, Bubbsie. 🙂

Morning all.🙂 A surprising 10.1 here - last week's physical activity must be wearing off (I've had to drop my doses, big-time!).

Hope you're feeling better today, Jonsi.
Morning too...a snooty cold is heading my way...shall we blame Northerner:D:D:D
The people here are so generous 🙂
Hope your snooty cold :D doesn't make you feel too rough
Oh, a snooty cold sounds much more interesting than a snotty one! I hope it blows over quickly, Bubbsie. 🙂

Morning all.🙂 A surprising 10.1 here - last week's physical activity must be wearing off (I've had to drop my doses, big-time!).

Hope you're feeling better today, Jonsi.
Yes Bloden...I realised I had posted twice...decided to leave members a choice...snooty...or snotty...must admit...quite like the sound of that...snooty:D:D:D...hope you get those numbers in line.
The people here are so generous 🙂
Hope your snooty cold :D doesn't make you feel too rough
Thanks Ljc...not with it this morning...just realised what I'd posted...and's good to share...isn't it?
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Good morning. 7.1 this morning, but I'm happy enough with that, as yesterday was the same and the rest of yesterday ran 5.9 before the meal & 7.3 two hours after. I feel like I'm making some progress!! 😎
Absolutely Sadhbh...well done.
Please keep your snott and snooty colds thanks,
12.8 for me this morning of going back to work. Have a good day everyone
Good morning 🙂 and 6.5 today.
Hope you snooty snotty sufferers soon feel better. Glad I'm not in the snooty cold club!
Morning everyone, 9.7 for me today. Im knackered today. I think having no time off over christmas is catching up with me.