Group 7-day waking average?

I woke with a 6.1 this morning, having gone to bed with 6.9. No complaints, sorry. Oh, I did have a Tunnock's Teacake after dinner, cos I'd bolused for a meal that for some reason didn't feel like finishing. Good excuse, I love Tunnock's tea cakes. Forget all the ships, the whisky, the great engineers that Scotland has produced. Scotland's greatest gift to the U.K. Is the Tunnock's tea cake🙂

with irn-bru? 😉
6.1 for me this morning.
Oh dear...strayed yesterday...McDonalds and three chocolate biscuits ..Bg's at 7 this morning😱😱😱...could have been worse...must get back into line.
Just re read your post, I thought you wrote mint malteasers and was thinking euck. No kicks from me, I scoffed milk tray before new year, which led to great effect on my BG. Confession time.
Ban the b&£@@rs from the shops I say.
No kicks from me either...bad bad bad yesterday...just felt the need to rebel!
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Also pleased to have shifted 2lb of the excess gain from Christmas and just before. Think it was pure chocolate to be honest! But glad it's coming off even though it's hard work.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Also pleased to have shifted 2lb of the excess gain from Christmas and just before. Think it was pure chocolate to be honest! But glad it's coming off even though it's hard work.
OOh well done Linda...might try the pure chocolate diet...sounds right up my street.
OOh well done Linda...might try the pure chocolate diet...sounds right up my street.
Alas Bubbsie it's not to be recommended :( even though the pleasure is immense at the time!
I'm sure most of my weight loss is the water element but it's a start and I find the hard bit getting back on track. Hopefully I can carry on now.
Morning all, 10.4 for me today. Im experimenting a bit today and will be trying to introduce a bit more fruit back in to my diet (I miss fruit!).
Bore da pawb ...a 7.8 from me today. Not feeling great today - head's a bit messed up (been replaying situations from 3 years ago) and I've got the shakes. Just waiting for that big lump of sky to drop on me.
Oh dear...strayed yesterday...McDonalds and three chocolate biscuits ..Bg's at 7 this morning😱😱😱...could have been worse...must get back into line.
I'd have had 3 McDs and just the one chocolate biscuit so you're fine.
I'd have had 3 McDs and just the one chocolate biscuit so you're fine.
Phew...such a relief to hear that Jonsi...:D:D:D
Alas Bubbsie it's not to be recommended :( even though the pleasure is immense at the time!
I'm sure most of my weight loss is the water element but it's a start and I find the hard bit getting back on track. Hopefully I can carry on now.
It is hard Linda...finding it tricky the moment I'm on and off...thought I'd got back into line...then a mad day'll get there😉
4.3 today
A 6.0 for me today.

Sending best wishes to flower for the appointment, Stitch for a more responsive doctor and carolg for some new year motivation. Many of us could do with a dose of that!
Bore da pawb ...a 7.8 from me today. Not feeling great today - head's a bit messed up (been replaying situations from 3 years ago) and I've got the shakes. Just waiting for that big lump of sky to drop on me.
take care, and hope you are feeling better soon
14.0 for me this morning. Had been good and BG down to 10 before tea. Had chicken curry last night with a tiny wee drop of brown rice. BG went right up to 20 and stayed there till bed time.Forgot that although I made 1 portion, put raisins apple and mango chutney in. Methinks the damage was done..Och well, here I go again,better day I hope
It is hard Linda...finding it tricky the moment I'm on and off...thought I'd got back into line...then a mad day'll get there😉
I agree with above. I've had a lot of days off recently, due to Xmas closures and I now need to get back to routine, so I can get that balance of focus back. Last day off, going to Edinburgh for a family visit then back home for dreaded pre work prep(ironing)food sorted though so that's a bonus. Good luck to everyone else whose struggling for whatever reason