Group 7-day waking average?

Good luck, Carol.🙂
Morning...6.4 today...heading downwards...thank goodness.
Morning all! The freestyle libre tells me I wavered around the low 4s since 3am today, with a bit of a spike to the high 7s once I got up. Dropped back down to the 5s now I've taken my AM basal. Let breakfast commence.
Bore da pawb ... Back to work this morning but had a difficult night's sleep (very tense head mash stuff) however ...I did score a 6.2 just 15 minutes ago!
Och. Toast before bed last night and soaring bg this morning (high teens) Ok folks, reality check for me, either carry on in denial or starting today, LC, careful all day, and in fact enjoyed lunch of cheese, salad and 1 oatcake. Tonight, roast chicken, carrot, cabbage and sprouts(from my garden) 2 days to make a list, shop and be prepared for packed lunches. Starting a food diary and see what nurse has to say next week grrr. Birds are going to love loaf tomorrow at least. I know I'm not alone, but also know that I alone can turn this around and support here is great. Thanks
Good luck Carol...
Good morning🙂7.1 today.

Deep breath time, back to normal stuff again! I'm off to the retina clinic to see what's going on in the eye I have some sight in as it has been causing me problems lately. I get so scared even walking through the door at the eye unit :(
Good luck with your retinal appointment today Flower.
8.2 for me this morning although I did go up to 15.1 during the night.
Morning all.🙂 5.3 here.😛 Taking a break from the painting and decorating - forget Zumba...DIYbics is the latest get fit craze in my house...up ladder, wave paint roller, down ladder...phew!:confused:😛

Good luck today, Flower.🙂
Good morning🙂7.1 today.

Deep breath time, back to normal stuff again! I'm off to the retina clinic to see what's going on in the eye I have some sight in as it has been causing me problems lately. I get so scared even walking through the door at the eye unit :(
Good luck @Flower, keeping everything crossed for you, hope it goes well 🙂
Morning all, an annoying 11.4 for me this morning, and that was without any hot chocolate!!! My D is getting on my tits now (excuse the expression).
Morning all, an annoying 11.4 for me this morning, and that was without any hot chocolate!!! My D is getting on my tits now (excuse the expression).
I can imagine it is Stitch! Is your appt soon? Hope so then hopefully you can ask those questions and get treatment you need.
Good luck at clinic today Flower. Hope all goes well.