Group 7-day waking average?

Time to get up you party animals, it's a libre 5.6 for me today.
I wonder if it's possible to plateau, like with a diet.
Our oven died yesterday, micro/convection. So all we have at the moment is cook-top. At least vegetables can be boiled. But it leaves sandwiches looking so much more tempting!
The Devil isn't in blue jeans, the Devil is in the toaster!!
Hadn't thought of that Sadhbh...up this morning at 7.3...not disastrous...and given my departure from my routine not surprising...not quite back on the treadmill yet...but determined to get back to 5'sand 6's...I still have sandwiches...however...much more selective with the bread I use...Burgen..and .high protein is fine for annoying and predictable is it that an essential piece of equipment will fail over the Christmas/holiday can still be broiled steamed or casseroled on that stove top...good luck...and Happy New Year.
Morning...a 7.3 for me this morning...should I have refused that glass of champagne last night...NO...I enjoyed it...more walking...and best foot forward today.
Happy New year and good morning everyone. 10.4 for me today.
Happy New Year. Snap @Robin 6.3/6.4 for me. MIL back in hospital. Had a fall down the stairs and broke her shoulder blade.
Happy New Year. Snap @Robin 6.3/6.4 for me. MIL back in hospital. Had a fall down the stairs and broke her shoulder blade.
Sorry to hear about MinL
Happy new year everyone. 15.1 for me this morning.
Happy New Year to you all 🙂 and amazed to get 6.2 this morning after seeing in the new year with Chinese takeaway! 😱
Happy New Year. Snap @Robin 6.3/6.4 for me. MIL back in hospital. Had a fall down the stairs and broke her shoulder blade.

Oh ouch! Poor MIL. Hope she recovers soon but shoulder injuries take ages.

A 6.9 start to the year for me but hardly surprising. I've only had a few hours sleep after going to a party after midnight and dancing till 2am. I'm getting too old for this! :D
Happy New Year to all, it's a big 7 for me after eating a delicious curry and chocolate truffles at a friends house.
Happy New Year, everyone. 6.1 this morning. Feeling a bit rough this morning after our game of Shot Pong last night. I think a bacon sandwich is in order.
Happy New Year to you all with added pinch and a punch 🙂 It's a 6.8 to kick off January.
Happy new year flower
Afternoon all... it was an 8.0 for me. With a wake up from my son at 430!
A 10.3 this morning which was corrected at 5:00, but then we didn't go to bed until 3:00 and the prosecco was excellent along with the extended meal. It is only once a year, and I shall be more careful about the size of slices of cake once home again.
Good morning everyone. Went to bed on 5.6 and woke up on 5.7 🙂
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Good morning. 9.2 this morning.
My total carbs per day have averaged just under 100g per day. About 40% of total calories.

Evidently this is too many, but I can't help wondering if the sitigliptin is doing anything at all.