Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning🙂7.1 today.

Deep breath time, back to normal stuff again! I'm off to the retina clinic to see what's going on in the eye I have some sight in as it has been causing me problems lately. I get so scared even walking through the door at the eye unit :(
I can appreciate your apprehension Flower...sending positive thoughts...and a bit thumbs up...good luck!!
Morning all, an annoying 11.4 for me this morning, and that was without any hot chocolate!!! My D is getting on my tits now (excuse the expression).
Blimey Stitch...not surprised you are peeded off...lets hope you get things sorted out this year...and the right support🙂
Bore da pawb ... Back to work this morning but had a difficult night's sleep (very tense head mash stuff) however ...I did score a 6.2 just 15 minutes ago!
Have a good day at work.
Good morning🙂7.1 today.

Deep breath time, back to normal stuff again! I'm off to the retina clinic to see what's going on in the eye I have some sight in as it has been causing me problems lately. I get so scared even walking through the door at the eye unit :(
Good luck at clinic flower.
Morning all.🙂 5.3 here.😛 Taking a break from the painting and decorating - forget Zumba...DIYbics is the latest get fit craze in my house...up ladder, wave paint roller, down ladder...phew!:confused:😛

Good luck today, Flower.🙂
Morning all, an annoying 11.4 for me this morning, and that was without any hot chocolate!!! My D is getting on my tits now (excuse the expression).
Oh stitch, you've just said what I'm feeling, but hot choc is not my culprit, just everything else
Good morning everyone. I was SO naughty last night , I scoffed a bag of mini maltezers just before bed .
So I was very surprised to be only 7.2 this morning.
Feel free to give me a kick up the you know what . I sure don't need the calories.
Good morning everyone. I was SO naughty last night , I scoffed a bag of mini maltezers just before bed .
So I was very surprised to be only 7.2 this morning.
Feel free to give me a kick up the you know what . I sure don't need the calories.
Just re read your post, I thought you wrote mint malteasers and was thinking euck. No kicks from me, I scoffed milk tray before new year, which led to great effect on my BG. Confession time.
Ban the b&£@@rs from the shops I say.
13.1 today. Am going to start early to bed to avoid evening grazing.
Can't seem to get it below 8 or 9 at the moment most annoying could be lack of exercise must get back on track as I've a hb1ac test in March and need it to be about 48 to 50 no more
A 6.0 for me today.

Sending best wishes to flower for the appointment, Stitch for a more responsive doctor and carolg for some new year motivation. Many of us could do with a dose of that!
A 6.0 for me today.

Sending best wishes to flower for the appointment, Stitch for a more responsive doctor and carolg for some new year motivation. Many of us could do with a dose of that!
Thanks from me amigo. I certainly haven't been a role model recently for 1 of my family who was diagnosed type 2 just before Xmas. Definatly trying to promote the forum and web site
My next review is due 2nd February, so will get the reminder about 2 weeks before that to make appointment etc for blood tests. Going armed with my libre printouts and my diary that Ive been keeping for a few months now.
I woke with a 6.1 this morning, having gone to bed with 6.9. No complaints, sorry. Oh, I did have a Tunnock's Teacake after dinner, cos I'd bolused for a meal that for some reason didn't feel like finishing. Good excuse, I love Tunnock's tea cakes. Forget all the ships, the whisky, the great engineers that Scotland has produced. Scotland's greatest gift to the U.K. Is the Tunnock's tea cake🙂
I'm with you there Mikey. Haven't had one for ages but they are lovely. A pack of 6 would be too tempting 😉
Good morning 6.7 today .
I used to love Tunnock's Tea cakes and caramel bars.
Morning good people.🙂 5.7 here. 😛

We're off to a big shopping centre today (during the sales - are we mad?!!😱) to get some wall mounts for hubby's speakers. Not looking fwd to all the drilling in my perfectly painted wall!:confused::D