Group 7-day waking average?


All I can say is when I was at school a blooming long time ago we must have been far more sensible
If we got wet on the way to school, we stayed cold and wet because school was cold. Nowadays, schools are like hothouses, anything wet evaporates during the first ten minutes over the school threshold.
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Raining here too, so can anyone please tell me why schoolchildren these days walk to school with no coat on and presumably then have to spend the entire morning drying out, sat there doing their lessons in an uncomfortable, wet jumper :confused: Why???!!! 😱
I agree. Saw loads today in the pouring rain in just jumpers. Is it not cool to wear a coat?
I agree. Saw loads today in the pouring rain in just jumpers. Is it not cool to wear a coat?
Looks like everyone else beat me to it. Should keep reading first.🙄
Afternoon all, was an 8.2 for me which rose to 9.3 in 15 mins :(. Feeling like cack and nursing lemsips at the min tho which I'm guessing explains it.
Thrown a hypo into this mix this morning - I swear croissants are a nightmare to pump for!
All good fun today
Afternoon all, was an 8.2 for me which rose to 9.3 in 15 mins :(. Feeling like cack and nursing lemsips at the min tho which I'm guessing explains it.
Thrown a hypo into this mix this morning - I swear croissants are a nightmare to pump for!
All good fun today
Ack! :( Sorry to hear this, I hope you feel better very soon and things settle down for you 🙂
3.9 for me this morning.
6.2 this morning and wierded out because I totally blanked when I got diagnosed...on re-reading last years diary it was early February 2016. I keep doing this. :( I hope it's the impaired glucose which is what the receptionist told me who cancelled my memory test a couple of years ago when I complained about my memory. They sent me for a fasting diabetes test instead and I was okay...then!
Morning...6.1 today...surprising given the day I had yesterday...reasonably happy with that😎😎😎
Good morning everyone 6.5.
Morning all. A 5.8 for me. Got weighed at the IBD clinic yesterday now less than 10 stone. The wonders of exocrine insufficiency.
It's a 6.6 from me today.
Your BGs seem higher than usual just lately, hope you are ok.
I've been unwell :( Recovering, but hardly had any sleep for the past three nights :( Still, at least got to hear some interesting stories on the World Service at 3am 🙄 😉
Blimey Robin what happened there...hope you level out soon.
No idea! Well, part of an idea, didn't eat very much yesterday evening, decided it was time to start shedding a couple of Xmas pounds. Maybe going to have to shed a bit of Lantus as well.