Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks for this @Owen. I wasn't challenging what you were saying, just wanted to read more 🙂 Whilst hypos are clearly an abnormal situation to be avoided wherever possible, I wouldn't want people, especially newly-diagnosed, to feel they were at imminent risk of a heart attack should they ever fall below 4.0 (just reminded me of the film Speed!). To be avoided whenever possible, certainly, but in reality occasionally unpreventable and unfathomable - Plato's Cave, indeed 🙂
It was not my intention to present this as frightening observation. I think working outside the paradigm that low is good, does present a possible catalyst for debate. Its also the risk of silent heart attacks that is common place for diabetics. These happen without the alarming pain and many people don't realise that they have had one. I think my concern is that with a mixed group of diabetics receiving differential therapy, there is a risk of peer pressure causing people to expect unrealistic BM's. I quite often see people saying how disappointed they are at having a high reading in the 6's. This is a good BM. Below 48 HbA1c is good. 5, 6, even 7 is good. 37 HbA1c for an insulin not good. Average of 4.5 mmol not good because to achieve this you have to be regularly hitting hypo levels. Plus if you are waking at 4.5, then you are likely to have been too low for a proportion of the night. Pumping is less of an issue as these balance the insulin in a more refined way. Other hypo inducing therapies do give similar risks though. The amount of patients I attend that have no idea where their BM is at, is sadly very high. More often Hyper than Hypo but I have been to a few that are hypo and then tell me they often feel like that.
Sounds like you're heading in the same direction as me @Robin! I was 4 years in when my lantus reduced to zero from a starting point of 20 units! Haven't touched a drop since! 🙂
Lightbulb moment! ( possibly) Assume if I burnt more calories during the day than I took in,( because of reduced calorie intake) my liver would help out wth extra glycogen during the day, then replenish stores during the night, similar to exercising a lot during the day. Does that make sense?
Seems like I need to lower basal at least temporarily, anyway.
Ooh not a good start for either of you...Carol stay where you are...keep warm...Bloden at are dedicated...wishing a speedy recovery for both of you
Will do. Going to have breakfast, and shower and cosy clothes. Some people will do anything to cancel overdue smear test
Morning all. 5.9 for me today even after that spoonful of sugar yesterday! Downright amazed. Can't believe I had it neither. Stupid. :(

Now I'm going to have to google Plato's Cave.

So in a nutshell what do I tell my sisters? I agree on the peer pressure. I was aiming for 4s!

My sister who's been diabetic for 20 years and in denial is the only one of us that she has to be a 5.0? She's often 23.

My other sister is a newbie, end of last year, hasn't a clue, relies on me spouting off. I told her 4 and under was too low and other sister had a go at me. Which is right then?
Oh ditto. I don't know what plato's cave is either, but google away.. I don't have the wherewithal to do that today. It's hard when different people do different things, but I suppose that's where individuality kicks in. And we can only take responsibility for our own actions. Frustrating though it is.
Morning all. Woke up with 7.1, which is a tad high, but with Owen's terrifying warning, I'm just grateful I haven't dropped dead.🙂
I'm this side of surviving mikey, and trying to work out max doses of paracetamol and ignoring sugar content of cold remedies. Unfortunately Heinz tomato soup is illness comfort food, so 3 guesses, BG will probably soar, and I am being extremely rude to nuisance callers.
Will do. Going to have breakfast, and shower and cosy clothes. Some people will do anything to cancel overdue smear test
Carol...don't blame you...smear tests...necessary but loathe them...fortunately I am for the first time in many many year... up to date!
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Profound... Owen...I read your posts...interesting and for Plato's cave possibly profound...however...prefer to stick with haunting...back in that cave now...all those lonely unquestioning figures back and forth...back and forth...great analogy.
I just had to google Plato's cave. Is it bad that I read 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon' as 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glucagon'?
Oh ditto. I don't know what plato's cave is either, but google away.. I don't have the wherewithal to do that today. It's hard when different people do different things, but I suppose that's where individuality kicks in. And we can only take responsibility for our own actions. Frustrating though it is.
Carol...don't google it...had to write an essay on it years ago...still traumatised by carrying objects back and forth...projecting shadows...ooh...trauma returning...have to walk Harry...may need a large G & T to steady myself have been warned!!
I just had to google Plato's cave. Is it bad that I read 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon' as 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glucagon'?
Laughing...laughing out loud now!!
Carol...don't google it...had to write an essay on it years ago...still traumatised by carrying objects back and forth...projecting shadows...ooh...trauma returning...have to walk Harry...may need a large G & T to steady myself have been warned!!
On a separate issue, is the cat dead or alive?
On a separate issue, is the cat dead or alive?
Yes Owen...Churchill the cat is still alive...managed to resist the urge to self medicate with alcohol...poses another alcohol suitable for medicinal purposes...Harry the DOG who is an English bulldog often looks more dead than alive...however I have been assured that is a typical characteristic of bulldogs and they all look like that until woken for food or evidenced by his photo...this is his poised for his extreme walking mode


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I don't remember a cat in Platos Cave...please don't tell me I missed it...and that necessitates a re-read...rather go on a forty mile hike with Bear Grylls...and eat steamed lichen.
A 6.5 for me.

Mum is thankfully pulling through after a scary episode on Sunday. Thanks everyone for the kind support x
Great news relieved for you.
I just had to google Plato's cave. Is it bad that I read 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon' as 'the dialogue between Socrates and Glucagon'?
Love it robin