Group 7-day waking average?

Glad I am not up for these debates. Think I will go and read Terry Pratchetts "Witches" my son likens my friend and myself to granny weatherwax and nanny ogg Gives me a good giggle trying to work out which of us is which! (Or witch) !!As intellectual as I am going for today. Look out bed, here I come
Godddddddddddddddd Carol...not familiar with to doctor google point in ringing GP...sure he'd say Max Meds for you (of course I mean the royal we...i.e ME) without hesitation.
Pluto's cave is a philosophical issue, as Bubbsie knows to her cost. Schrödinger's cat is a quantum physics thought experiment. Don't confuse the two, you'll get a headache.🙂

Is this topic drift?
Godddddddddddddddd Carol...not familiar with to doctor google point in ringing GP...sure he'd say Max Meds for you (of course I mean the royal we...i.e ME) without hesitation.
Och it's just the cold stuff has 300 gm paracetamol per tablet. Max dose in 24 hrs is 8. But ordinary stuff is 500 gm, so will stick to 8 of cold remedy stuff when I remember to take it. So not to confuse myself. Won't overdose if I take 8 or a mixture, but don't gasp, I won't take 8 of each cause that would be really bad
Goodness me, is this the right thread? I had to check it twice - but very funny :D, and Northerner, I salute your poetical abilities!

Anyway...a lovely 5.2 house special today after quite a period of higher than my usual numbers, which must have been due to scoffing the leftover bits and pieces from Christmas chocs, biccies and the like. So back on track now...
Goodness me, is this the right thread? I had to check it twice - but very funny :D, and Northerner, I salute your poetical abilities!

Anyway...a lovely 5.2 house special today after quite a period of higher than my usual numbers, which must have been due to scoffing the leftover bits and pieces from Christmas chocs, biccies and the like. So back on track now...
You still have left over bits & pieces from Christmas...what self control you had during those celebrations...well done on regaining your excellent numbers...never had a house special...feel under privileged...and deprived:D:D:D
I have thoroughly enjoyed his thread today, am still giggling.
I have thoroughly enjoyed his thread today, am still giggling.
Good for you Lin...still not dressed...still not taken medication...still laughing:D:D
Ooh not a good start for either of you...Carol stay where you are...keep warm...Bloden at are dedicated...wishing a speedy recovery for both of you
I'm not dedicated, Bubbsie, there's just no-one to cover for me - and my boss has very kindly given me the day off on my (50th😱) birthday next month, so I don't want to mess that up, cos I've got family coming over and a big day planned.🙄 Hope the Frost re-runs chase away your coughs n splutters, Carol!🙂
I'm not dedicated, Bubbsie, there's just no-one to cover for me - and my boss has very kindly given me the day off on my (50th😱) birthday next month, so I don't want to mess that up, cos I've got family coming over and a big day planned.🙄 Hope the Frost re-runs chase away your coughs n splutters, Carol!🙂
Gosh...teaching sounds as short staffed a out NHS Bloden...enjoy your birthday with the family...and an early happy birthday from me.
Good Lord Alan, you are up early
Good morning everyone 7.1 today :(
Strictly just the scores on the doors this morning...5.6 today...must have been all that laughing yesterday.:D:D:D
7.3 for me this morning.
For the past week or so I've been getting slightly higher than usual waking readings, felt a little sweaty and then have developed a very slight headache (at top of nose area) about 5 mins after waking. I'm going to do some basal testing to see if I'm going too low overnight, but my question is is that if I reduce my basal, will this not increase my waking BG?
Want to try and get to the bottom of it, as my next consultant appt should be in the next month, and I want to go to him with figures and evidence, if a possibility which needs to be considered is switching to Levemir so I can split doses. Daytime is fine though, including evening levels.
Any thoughts appreciated..🙂
Morning all. 7.3 for me thanks to a pesky bed time hypo. Didn't split my bolus quite right.
7.3 for me this morning.
For the past week or so I've been getting slightly higher than usual waking readings, felt a little sweaty and then have developed a very slight headache (at top of nose area) about 5 mins after waking. I'm going to do some basal testing to see if I'm going too low overnight, but my question is is that if I reduce my basal, will this not increase my waking BG?
Want to try and get to the bottom of it, as my next consultant appt should be in the next month, and I want to go to him with figures and evidence, if a possibility which needs to be considered is switching to Levemir so I can split doses. Daytime is fine though, including evening levels.
Any thoughts appreciated..🙂
Over my head I'm afraid GG...sure someone with the appropriate knowledge will be along shortly...just wanted to sympathise and hope very much you feel better soon.
Hmn not impressed with 6.0 this morning