Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, normal service resumed with a 4.9 here. Frosty and foggy outside, I'm staying in!
Happy anniversary, Mark and Mrs. Mark.
Good morning all 🙂 and happy 3rd anniversary to you both Mark.
It's 6.6 today.
A better 6.3 for me and my average levels have stayed unchanged over the Excess Season so holding my own at the moment!

Happy Anniversary's our big special one this year. Noah paired us up! :D
Something is happening and I don't know what it is.

Went to bed with 5.9. It had been as high as 9 post prandial, but that's mince tarts for you. Anyway, according to Libre it stayed around 5-6 through to about 4.00 am. Then it started taking off. It was 10.2 at 6.00am, and 15.2 when I got up at 9.00am.

I'd taken all my medication, night time Levemir, and not eaten anything after dinner. So, morning Levemir taken, corrective Humalog taken, and caffeine levels rising. Bloody diabetes.
Sorry to hear Mike. Hopefully it'll right itself quickly.

I'll join you in double figures tho with a 10.7. Looks like I'll be doing 3am tests again for a while as I figure out what's going on at night as I went to bed at a lovely 6.2
Something is happening and I don't know what it is.

Went to bed with 5.9. It had been as high as 9 post prandial, but that's mince tarts for you. Anyway, according to Libre it stayed around 5-6 through to about 4.00 am. Then it started taking off. It was 10.2 at 6.00am, and 15.2 when I got up at 9.00am.

I'd taken all my medication, night time Levemir, and not eaten anything after dinner. So, morning Levemir taken, corrective Humalog taken, and caffeine levels rising. Bloody diabetes.

Hope you can get off the Diabetic rollercoaster soon Mike! 😡
Morning all, 6.7 today - like @khskel I don't think sleeping in is good for me. Yesterday at 7.53am it was 6.5, then at 8.20am it was 7.3!

Things not too bad levels-wise over Christmas, but I still have a touch of the lurgy.
Good morning everyone. It's 7.6 for me today after a bit of an a up and down night, which needed a mix of dextrose tabs, 3 bikkies and a glass of orange, a mixed round of chicken and ham sarnies and another glass of orange.
The night sister especially was very good, if I had been new to D her explanation would have calmed me right down, but as I'm not I had to stifle my giggles. One thing did confuse her though, was that I don't take my basal at night , she thought we had to .
Morning...a 7.2 today...reasonably pleased with that...given the gin & Tonics (4) and a slice of cake with first in six months...back on the wagon tomorrow😳😳😳
Good morning everyone. It's 7.6 for me today after a bit of an a up and down night, which needed a mix of dextrose tabs, 3 bikkies and a glass of orange, a mixed round of chicken and ham sarnies and another glass of orange.
The night sister especially was very good, if I had been new to D her explanation would have calmed me right down, but as I'm not I had to stifle my giggles. One thing did confuse her though, was that I don't take my basal at night , she thought we had to .
Goodness, that's quite a feast! 😱 I hope you are well enough to go home today 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Oh what a night Ljc! Hope things more settled today.
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Morning all, another fun filled day in the office (no-one here apart from me at the mo!). Anyways, a 10.3 for me today. I printed off all the charts and things from the 2 weeks of using the libre, its predicting my HbA1c at 55🙂(), so we shall see what happens in the new year.
Goodness, that's quite a feast! 😱 I hope you are well enough to go home today 🙂
Thanks .I sure don't need the extra calories lol
Bore da pawb...another rough evening and night because of my cold but this morning I scored a most acceptable 7.1. I've also lost some more weight... Still the size of a family car but now I'm a smaller car 🙂
Good morning 🙂 4.8 today, back home and back on the D boot camp with no more breakfast and no more Lindt truffle chocolates.🙄

I hope you are feeling better and are soon out of hospital Ljc, they do love to overfeed a hypo in hospital!
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Morning all. Happy with a post buffet and cheesecake 6.1/7.1. Here's to a speedy discharge @Ljc
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