Group 7-day waking average?

Didn't eat after lunch which was 6.3 but woke on 7.1
Morning all. Thanks for all your good wishes for my Mother in Law. She seems to be doing well, in fact yesterday she was enthusing about the hospital Christmas fare so a good sign I think. Just got to see a consultant today and see if the docs can agree on a diagnosis. Any way it was a late rising 7.7/7.4 for me. The libre tells me that if I had't been such a slugabed the scores on the doors would have been in the low 6s. I wish one and all a most pleasant boxing day and don't eat anything I wouldn't 😉
Morning all. Thanks for all your good wishes for my Mother in Law. She seems to be doing well, in fact yesterday she was enthusing about the hospital Christmas fare so a good sign I think. Just got to see a consultant today and see if the docs can agree on a diagnosis. Any way it was a late rising 7.7/7.4 for me. The libre tells me that if I had't been such a slugabed the scores on the doors would have been in the low 6s. I wish one and all a most pleasant boxing day and don't eat anything I wouldn't 😉
Hope the good news continues for your MIL today 🙂
Bore da pawb... I had a good start to yesterday with a round 8 then I ate all the Christmas stuff including some chocs and Toffees. I drank, fizz, wine and port and finished the day on a 7.6!

This morning I start on a rather splendid 6.8. Woot!! Could this be because I'm less stressed or because I didn't eat a piece of bread yesterday? Who cares? I'll take it.
Bore da pawb... I had a good start to yesterday with a round 8 then I ate all the Christmas stuff including some chocs and Toffees. I drank, fizz, wine and port and finished the day on a 7.6!

This morning I start on a rather splendid 6.8. Woot!! Could this be because I'm less stressed or because I didn't eat a piece of bread yesterday? Who cares? I'll take it.
Possibly the booze effect? 🙂 I think that's the best waking number I've seen from you @Jonsi - obviously channeling Roy Wood, and need it to be Christmas every day 🙂
This morning I'm 5.2, dead flat line from going to bed on 6.8. Textbook stuff. We'll see what the rest of the morning brings by way of random rises. Nothing to do with booze, either
Good morning all. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday. BG on getting up today 6.1 @ ten past eight. High for me but could have been much, much worse. I was too scared to measure at all after first thing yesterday. :confused:
You lot are all brilliant.... 15.7 for me - ops. Yep not my best effort! I did however thoroughly enjoy christmas chocolates and booze - far too much booze!

Hey ho, 6 more days then sober January, low carb and back to running/yoga etc.
You lot are all brilliant.... 15.7 for me - ops. Yep not my best effort! I did however thoroughly enjoy christmas chocolates and booze - far too much booze!

Hey ho, 6 more days then sober January, low carb and back to running/yoga etc.
As long as you had a good time, one day isn't going to count 🙂 I'll be looking forward to the reports of your running and yoga successes in the new year though! 😱 :D
Morning...a round 6 for me today...indulged myself a little e again not too bad.
The pudding came back to bite me this morning with a 7.3 but not excessive given the occasion 🙂
Not bad Amigo...after Christmas pudding🙂
4.3 for me this morning
Still on target for reducing that lantus, @Hazel! 🙂

6.8 for me today, which is interesting as I was 4.4 before bed and thought I would wake on something similar. Seems it is possible to have a rebound high even when not on any basal 🙄
Good morning everyone 🙂 4.0 for me.
Still on target for reducing that lantus, @Hazel! 🙂

6.8 for me today, which is interesting as I was 4.4 before bed and thought I would wake on something similar. Seems it is possible to have a rebound high even when not on any basal 🙄
I would agree with that
God morning everyone. I managed to have a sleep in 🙂
6.8 today.