Group 7-day waking average?

Merry Christmas all... :D 6.0 on waking, that's high for me and I'm still full from the fish, chips and peas...carbs are weird!

Very sorry about your mother-in-law Khskel, I hope you find she is much improved today.

Oil of Cloves for toothache, what a day to get it!
Good morning 🙂 A festive 5.8 today.

The trouble with modern houses is they don't have chimneys but I'm sure Father Christmas will have got in somehow and left me something as I've been such a good girl 😛

I hope things improve for your family today khskel.
Happy Christmas one and all. 5.9/5.5 for me. Unfortunately mother in law was rushed into hospital yeaterday evening so all plans off at the moment. All we know for now is that it was not aheart attack.
I'm sorry to hear about your Mother in Law Khskel, I hope it's nothing serious and that she recovers quickly . What a worry for you.
4.9 for me today. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone. I got 3.8 from Santa, that was heading gradually downwards overnight, so one jelly baby just for a little boost. Got up eventually at 11, and I had a BG of 11.5.

That was some bloody jelly baby.

Methinks a pump is in order. Should arrive after Easter.

Now for a gross out.....🙂
Nadolig Llawen pawb. It was a nice round 8.0 for me. I am not going to spend the rest of the day attempting to knock that out of the park as Christmas dinner isn't too far away.

Hope the news is better soon @khskel
Sorry to hear about your mum in law, Khskel. Hope she gets better soon.
Good morning everyone.
I thought I'd done realy well yesterday esp as it's my 1st Christmas on insulin.
I had an early Dinner two hours later around 4 pm was 8.8. I was stuffed to the brim , I blame the Kir Royale lol, so nothing but water or coffee passed my lips for the rest of the day. Went to bed on 7.7 . What did I wake up on I hear you ask
10.0 :confused: enjoyed yesterday...relaxed...friends for dinner...indulged myself more than I should have...amazingly didn't go higher than a 7...woke up on 6.5...that'll do for me.
Good morning everyone.
I thought I'd done realy well yesterday esp as it's my 1st Christmas on insulin.
I had an early Dinner two hours later around 4 pm was 8.8. I was stuffed to the brim , I blame the Kir Royale lol, so nothing but water or coffee passed my lips for the rest of the day. Went to bed on 7.7 . What did I wake up on I hear you ask
10.0 :confused:
Morning Ljc...I'm sure you'll soon be down into single figures...and it is Christmas!:D:D
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Morning all! A rather impressive 5.7 for me. Didn't have Christmas pud as was too stuffed after dinner.
9.1 here! That Xmas pud yesterday evening just kept going all night! I was in the 8s 2hrs after eating, and before bed!
Morning all. 10.1 for me today. Didn't test much at all yesterday.
Very happy with 5.5 today after indulging loads yesterday. Happy Boxing Day everyone and hope everyone feels well after the big day.
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.3 today. Knew it would be high as really indulged yesterday. Didn't test at all during my chocolate fest!
I must try to get on track today. So difficult when there's still so much scrummy stuff here 😱