Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb... A 9.4 this morning... I have an appointment with Nursie for early in the New Year to discuss doses and regime 'cos this clearly isn't working.
Bore da pawb... A 9.4 this morning... I have an appointment with Nursie for early in the New Year to discuss doses and regime 'cos this clearly isn't working.
I hope she is able to sort something out to get you off to a good start to 2017 🙂
Good afternoon all 🙂 and 6.4 when I got up after night shift. Quite pleased as I was eating bits and pieces during the night. (That means celebrations! 😱)
Evenin' all. 5.5 @ ten past six and after a breakfast of cottage cheese 5.8 @ four minutes past eleven.🙂

My eyes were exceedingly blurry this morning. Nasty and annoying. Is this the D or summat else? :(
Evenin' all. 5.5 @ ten past six and after a breakfast of cottage cheese 5.8 @ four minutes past eleven.🙂

My eyes were exceedingly blurry this morning. Nasty and annoying. Is this the D or summat else? :(
It might be the diabetes - eyesight often becomes blurry as you start to bring blood sugar levels under good control. Hopefully, it will settle down and get back to normal, but if you are concerned do seek medical advice - might be worth popping in to an optician's today to set your mind at ease?

Good morning 🙂 6.1 for me today 🙂 Hope everyone has everything sorted for the holidays 🙂
Morning...out for quick dinner with the relatives...ate sensibly...5.9 this morning.
Bore da pawb... A 9.4 this morning... I have an appointment with Nursie for early in the New Year to discuss doses and regime 'cos this clearly isn't working.
I hope you get it sorted out soon Jonsi.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.4 today.
Last shift before Christmas today. Done well this year and not back til overnight Boxing Day :D
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve without too many last minute panics!
4.8 again this morning
Excellent number @Bubbsie 🙂 Enjoy your day!
Thanks Northerner...enjoy your day too...and hope you are having a break from moderating over the Christmas weekend...or can the MODS ever be off duty...would it be 'safe' to leave us all to our own devices:D:D:D...Happy Christmas!
Good morning everyone. 6.7 today.
A hypo rebound 7.6/8.4 for me. Off to pick the turkey up this morning then frantic last minute preparations.
Good morning 🙂 it's a tinsel-tastic 5.8 today.

I love Christmas Eve with the carol concert on the radio from Kings College and the fairy lights twinkling. Aahh lovely 🙂 I wish everyone a Happy Christmas free from diabetes trials 🙂
Good morning 🙂 it's a tinsel-tastic 5.8 today.

I love Christmas Eve with the carol concert on the radio from Kings College and the fairy lights twinkling. Aahh lovely 🙂 I wish everyone a Happy Christmas free from diabetes trials 🙂
The same to you Flower 🙂
A very lovely 6.3 this morning with a smooth line during the night 🙂 I never realised that I was so good in guessing the carbs in the cassis used in Kir royales :D
Thanks Northerner...enjoy your day too...and hope you are having a break from moderating over the Christmas weekend...or can the MODS ever be off duty...would it be 'safe' to leave us all to our own devices:D:D:D...Happy Christmas!
Haven't had a day off since March 2009! 😱 :D I know I can trust our lovely members, it's those pesky spammers I have to watch out for! 😱 🙂
Good morning 🙂 it's a tinsel-tastic 5.8 today.

I love Christmas Eve with the carol concert on the radio from Kings College and the fairy lights twinkling. Aahh lovely 🙂 I wish everyone a Happy Christmas free from diabetes trials 🙂
Glad to see you are waking to a good number @Flower 🙂 Olive the Other Reindeer has just finished on C4+1, so my Christmas has begun! :D