Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 8.1 this morning. But better than yesterday's 8.9.
Now Christmas is by, going down to lower glucose index foods.
And Mr Husband was diagnosed on the 23rd with his own diabetes.
He follows me everywhere. 😉
I'm sorry to hear about Mr Husband's diagnosis :( Hopefully, you will be well-equipped to school him on the 'new him' 🙂

7.<cough> for me today. I woke up at 4 am and decided that was far too early, so closed my eyes again...then it was 8 am! 😱 Why did my brain suddenly decide it needed another FOUR HOURS? 😱 🙄
Bore da pawb ...still got my cold :( but, I got another 7.1 this morning despite cooking a risotto for evening meal, having a piece of cake and slurping half a bottle of red plonk.
I reckon it's the shivering followed by profuse sweating which is burning up the sugar and giving me reasonable results.
Urghhh...the morning after the night before...and it's 8.2...could have been the several glasses of champagne...cake...dinner which I ate with great relish...didn't think about 'Betty' much at all yesterday...thank goodness it's only once a year...had a fabulous birthday...back on the straight and narrow this morning...:(:(:( to mention I actually got up ay 8am...a lay the first in nearly six months!
Bore da pawb ...still got my cold :( but, I got another 7.1 this morning despite cooking a risotto for evening meal, having a piece of cake and slurping half a bottle of red plonk.
I reckon it's the shivering followed by profuse sweating which is burning up the sugar and giving me reasonable results.
Hope it settles down Jonsi.
6.7 this morning. I'm amazed at my levels this week because I'm worried sick about my mum who was rushed into hospital on Christmas Day. She is still there on a nebuliser and as well as severe lung problems they are now concerned that she has heart problems.
6.7 this morning. I'm amazed at my levels this week because I'm worried sick about my mum who was rushed into hospital on Christmas Day. She is still there on a nebuliser and as well as severe lung problems they are now concerned that she has heart problems.
So sorry to hear about your mum AJ...hope she gets the best care...such a worry...will be thinking of you both.
What a worry Amanda. I'm so sorry to hear your mum isn't well and hope she soon gets better and home again xx
Thank you Bubbsie and LindaRose xx
Sorry to hear about your mum Amanda. Hope she is better soon. X
6.7 this morning. I'm amazed at my levels this week because I'm worried sick about my mum who was rushed into hospital on Christmas Day. She is still there on a nebuliser and as well as severe lung problems they are now concerned that she has heart problems.
So sorry to hear about your Mum, Amanda :( I hope that she is recovering well very soon {{{HUGS}}}
6.7 this morning. I'm amazed at my levels this week because I'm worried sick about my mum who was rushed into hospital on Christmas Day. She is still there on a nebuliser and as well as severe lung problems they are now concerned that she has heart problems.
Sorry to hear about your mum, What a worry for you. I hope she recovers quickly.
Morning all! 6.0 this morning. Went to bed at 5.6 after a full roast dinner including parsnips & potaoes & choccy pud. I was amazed at this as earlier in the day I had 1 mini mince pie & ended up at 8!😱
So sorry to hear about your mum, AJ. Hope she gets better soon (HUGS)
Morning all. 5.6 here today, off to the inlaws for the weekend so too much food and copious amounts of gin about to be consumed- be interesting to see how well my new pump copes with my inlaws haha

Happy New Year to you all in advance x
Morning all! 6.0 this morning. Went to bed at 5.6 after a full roast dinner including parsnips & potaoes & choccy pud. I was amazed at this as earlier in the day I had 1 mini mince pie & ended up at 8!😱
So sorry to hear about your mum, AJ. Hope she gets better soon (HUGS)
I wish I was 8 after eating anything!!!
AJ I'm sorry about your mum. Praying for a speedy recovery for her
A much better 5.8 for me and feeling much brighter this morning (the power of anti-inflammatories!)

So sorry to hear your mum is unwell AJ.

Soon be a new year for us all...really hope it's a better one 😳
Nice numbers Amigo, glad to read you're feeling happier.

AJ, hope Mum gets better very soon.

Stitch...Your numbers will get there soon, keep going, you're doing great.

ljc... I hope you're feeling fine and dandy

New... Free to a good home: One Head and Chest cold. One careful owner. Comes with optional wheezing. Sweats and Shivers AND aching joints included. Apply within (unwanted gift)
ljc... I hope you're feeling fine and dandy

New... Free to a good home: One Head and Chest cold. One careful owner. Comes with optional wheezing. Sweats and Shivers AND aching joints included. Apply within (unwanted gift)[/QUOTE]
I'll pay you not to give it to me.:D

Hope our feeling better soon