Group 7-day waking average?

7.2 here, budge up Bubbsie.
Long walk yesterday and a G and T last night should have banished the Dawn effect , but no, Libre showed steady line in the 4s til 5am then the inexorable rise started.
A very late 6.8 for me.

Not made it out of bed yet, not feeling so good today but not cold symptoms :(
A very late 6.8 for me.

Not made it out of bed yet, not feeling so good today but not cold symptoms :(

Oh dear Amigo. Wonder what's going on. Hope you soon feel better whatever it is 🙂
Morning all, a 5.8 today, same as before bed last night.

Hope you feel better soon, Amigo xx
A very late 6.8 for me.

Not made it out of bed yet, not feeling so good today but not cold symptoms :(
Hope you feel better soon Amigo. X
Oh dear, a very late rise for me, 5.0
I'm with Robin, got up with 5.9 after a nice steady line all night, then notwithstanding morning Levemir, the inexorable rise kicked off early and rose. And rose. Now 11.2, but not for long....
Hello everyone mine was 5.8 x
Am out of test strips at moment which makes me wonder what the level is but last time I checked it was 7.2 it's never over 8 in the mornings since I have been diagnosed even though I eat lots of chocolate etc
Good morning peeps - a 4.8 today
Good morning everyone. 6.1 < cough today 😉
Am out of test strips at moment which makes me wonder what the level is but last time I checked it was 7.2 it's never over 8 in the mornings since I have been diagnosed even though I eat lots of chocolate etc
I hope you have test strips now.
Good morning 8.1 this morning. But better than yesterday's 8.9.
Now Christmas is by, going down to lower glucose index foods.
And Mr Husband was diagnosed on the 23rd with his own diabetes.
He follows me everywhere. 😉
Morning all 6.3/6.4 for me which is a relief after last night's inexplicable rise into the low teens . Foot check today . I'm pretty sure I still have two but a second opinion won't hurt.
Morning all, 9.4 for me today. Didnt want to get out of bed this morning but I'm in the office and raring to go (home!). Hope the boss is in a good mood and lets me go early.