Group 7-day waking average?

Another clickety click 6.6 for me but not bad after a party last night with a preponderance of delicious but carby
food. Avoided the dessert table though.
Morning...another early start...just couldn't sleep past 4am...5.7 heading down again!
Good morning everyone. 7.6 today.
@Bubbsie , I think you must have given me your zeds this morning, I've only just woke up 🙂
@Bubbsie , I think you must have given me your zeds this morning, I've only just woke up 🙂
Noticed you've had a few early starts yourself you obviously need them...enjoy them... I would like them back by the weekend please🙂...think I'm just a bit wound up at the moment...HbA1c test on Wednesday...hoping will settle down after that...have a good day.
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Noticed you've had a few early starts yourself you obviously need them...enjoy them... I would like them back by the weekend please🙂
Erm I'll think about it, no promises mind :D
...think I'm just a bit wound up at the moment...HbA1c test on Wednesday...hoping will settle down after that...have a good day.
{{{hug}}} and Thanks.
5.9 for me this morning. Regular fortnightly blood tests this morning, and office Christmas lunch later. Expecting this figure to rise a little 🙂🙄🙂
6.6 for me and no reason it is that high so going to up my lantus to 18 units.I wish everyone a wonderful week. I am going to make chocolate cake now for my youngest who is 21 today and will not be tasting it so hope it turns out ok!
Good morning 🙂 5.6 for me and glad to be feeling a bit better 🙂

I hope everyone has a good week 🙂
Great number Flower...relieved to hear you are feeling better🙂
5.9 for me this morning. Regular fortnightly blood tests this morning, and office Christmas lunch later. Expecting this figure to rise a little 🙂🙄🙂
Good luck with the blood test and enjoy the Christmas lunch...I'm sure whatever rise you get will be short lived!
Hello, 7.7 this morning.
Busy Monday: it's Wrapping Presents Day!!!
OOh present wrapping Sadhbh that's enough to send my BG's soaring!...good luck with it:D
Morning all, 8.7 for me today (libre test only today). Wasnt about much at the weekend as I was running round like a blue a**** fly!!!