Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 for me and no reason it is that high so going to up my lantus to 18 units.I wish everyone a wonderful week. I am going to make chocolate cake now for my youngest who is 21 today and will not be tasting it so hope it turns out ok!
Bear in mind that meters aren't always that accurate, and you can very occasionally get one that seems higher than you would normally expect. I would always wait a couple more days to see if that higher level was consistently higher before increasing lantus 🙂

Happy birthday to your son, hope he enjoys his cake! 🙂
Bore da pawb 8.5 for me this morning which could be better but has been much worse of late. I'm beginning to think that my body doesn't like Insulin much 'cos it doesn't seem to be hitting the spot o_O. The only time I get down to reasonable numbers (nearing the 7s) is when I barely eat at all which is not a good thing to do 'cos it makes me feel like carp (anag) and I have no energy for anything. Mind you, without it I'd be sky high in a few hours :(. Back to Nursie in the New Year methinks.
Morning all , been fairly steady with middle 5s all last week and starting this with a 5.8 . In case I don't get back on here this week may I wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . Good luck with your numbers everyone and stay strong ! With choc my motto is " sniff and walk away !" Feel free to adopt it 🙂🙄
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today.
Good luck with blood tests GG and bubbsie. Hope results are really good 🙂
A very acceptable 5.7 for me this morning 🙂

Hope you get early Christmas pressie type results Bubbsie.
Good morning peoples. I've run out of strips, they go so fast? I miss measuring, never would have thought it. I hate being in the dark but saylavee. Everybody have a good day. Hope y'all are prepared for Christmas? Wonder if I've left it too late to make a Christmas cake? :D
Bore da pawb 8.5 for me this morning which could be better but has been much worse of late. I'm beginning to think that my body doesn't like Insulin much 'cos it doesn't seem to be hitting the spot o_O. The only time I get down to reasonable numbers (nearing the 7s) is when I barely eat at all which is not a good thing to do 'cos it makes me feel like carp (anag) and I have no energy for anything. Mind you, without it I'd be sky high in a few hours :(. Back to Nursie in the New Year methinks.
Do you get a significant rise after eating @Jonsi? If so, I would definitely be considering asking for a fast-acting insulin with meals. Possibly also benefit from an increase in the background insulin if you rarely hit the 7s or below, and ditch the empagliflozin. You shouldn't have to feel deprived or struggling to eat properly when you are on medication that's supposed to be allowing you to achieve near-normal levels :( Hope the nurse can come up with a better combination for you 🙂
Morning all, a 5.8 today, although I've got the dreaded winter lurgy that Mr Marten has had on and off for about two weeks :(
I woke up with 8.0 this morning, which is what I went to sleep with. Dead straight line. Went downstairs in the stairlift, and my next read after making a cappuccino ( and before drinking it ) was 12. So breakfast was cappuccino, a vape, and a correcting dose of insulin. Plus my morning Levemir, first dose of mesalazine of the day, and first Tramadol of the day. Low carb breakfast, see.🙂
Do you get a significant rise after eating @Jonsi? If so, I would definitely be considering asking for a fast-acting insulin with meals. Possibly also benefit from an increase in the background insulin if you rarely hit the 7s or below, and ditch the empagliflozin. You shouldn't have to feel deprived or struggling to eat properly when you are on medication that's supposed to be allowing you to achieve near-normal levels :( Hope the nurse can come up with a better combination for you 🙂
My Humulin is split at 06:00 and 18:00 (ish) - Nursie said to split it 20u/20u but I'm actually using 26u/26u as the 20/20 was having little effect on curbing rising numbers. The 26/26 is at least keeping things steadier. In answer to your question, I most certainly do get a rise in numbers after eating. I've just had two baps with nothing but roast chicken on for lunch ...I'll probably be somewhere around 14+ in about an hour. I'm certainly not eating 'properly' - 1 oz of rice will double my numbers, a single piece of bread with Bacon & Egg will add 3 or 4. :(
My Humulin is split at 06:00 and 18:00 (ish) - Nursie said to split it 20u/20u but I'm actually using 26u/26u as the 20/20 was having little effect on curbing rising numbers. The 26/26 is at least keeping things steadier. In answer to your question, I most certainly do get a rise in numbers after eating. I've just had two baps with nothing but roast chicken on for lunch ...I'll probably be somewhere around 14+ in about an hour. I'm certainly not eating 'properly' - 1 oz of rice will double my numbers, a single piece of bread with Bacon & Egg will add 3 or 4. :(
In that case I'd certainly be asking for a change to basal/bolus, as it is both affecting your quality of life and day-to-day health, but also increasing your longer-term risks. If they are reluctant, then I'd need a pretty convincing argument why not!
Just to confirm a point ...what I had for lunch was two unbuttered baps with roast chicken, a spoonful of stuffing on each and a sprinkle of salt. I had a can of diet fizz to wash it down. Since then nothing (I'm about to have a coffee) Just tested ...14.4.
That will drop to 10-11 by the time I get home at 17:00 Then I'll inject my 2nd lot of 26u and eat my tea around 18:30. Bedtime test (23:00) will probably see me around 11-13.
My Humulin is split at 06:00 and 18:00 (ish) - Nursie said to split it 20u/20u but I'm actually using 26u/26u as the 20/20 was having little effect on curbing rising numbers. The 26/26 is at least keeping things steadier. In answer to your question, I most certainly do get a rise in numbers after eating. I've just had two baps with nothing but roast chicken on for lunch ...I'll probably be somewhere around 14+ in about an hour. I'm certainly not eating 'properly' - 1 oz of rice will double my numbers, a single piece of bread with Bacon & Egg will add 3 or 4. :(

Jonsi, depending on the size - those baps are likely to be around 30-40g CHO each plus anything in the stuffing. Even if you're producing some of your own insulin I think most would struggle using twice a day Humulin I to control something containing 60-80g carbs in one meal. As Northerner says it looks like a quick acting is needed.
Good afternoon. 2.7 for me this morning. Two bottles of glucojuice (30g carbs) got me to 5.5. No pattern to these early morning hypos and whether or not they happen.
... two unbuttered baps with roast chicken, a spoonful of stuffing on each and a sprinkle of salt. I had a can of diet fizz to wash it down.
Diet Fizz is pure poison imho. Plus the baps are a nono and you need the butter...the stuffing and the salt aren't great either. I wonder if a very large chicken salad would have raised your BG so much? Please don't be offended. Pot/kettle here.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today.
Good luck with blood tests GG and bubbsie. Hope results are really good 🙂
Thank you Linda.