Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...just like yesterday morning's 8.5 comes today's 8.5. Save for a couple of coffees and a glass of water (oh, and some toothpaste), nothing passed my lips between 18:30 last night and 06:30 this morning. I even declined the offer of warm mince pies, shortbread and hot mulled wine at the St Mike's Christmas Service good boy that I am.
I had porridge for breakfast at 06:15. When I tested on waking I was 8.5 ...I have had 2 coffees at work and nothing else. I am now 12.6 BEFORE I eat a tiny ham sandwich for lunch. Before the porridge it was 12 hours earlier that I had eaten. I feel like chucking my sandwich away and getting pie'n'chips from the works canteen. This is most disheartening.
I'm sorry Lin, I'm not sure that 3am counts as 'morning'! 😱 😉 Sorry to see you are not sleeping, hope you get a better night tonight 🙂

5.4 for me today 🙂
:D. It's my own fault really, I had an early night well early for me 11 pm.
It certainly is Linda but who scoffed all the purple ones?! Lol 😛
That would be favourite ones...sorry!:D
Morning...7 today...disappointing!
Morning all a 6.0/5.9 for me. Back on level ground after birthday cake disaster yesterday.
Morning all. 6.9 for me this final working day :D
That's a lot of CHRISTMAS thing at school Bloden :D
8.5 for me this morning.
Good morning 🙂 5.6 today and off for a festive foot ulcer clinic visit, ohh the anticipation!🙄

Christmas bingo, Christmas pairs, Christmas tree grammar game,

Sounds a fun line up Bloden, are they drinking games? 😉
Good morning 🙂 5.6 today and off for a festive foot ulcer clinic visit, ohh the anticipation!🙄

Sounds a fun line up Bloden, are they drinking games? 😉
Good luck Flower...have to say the irony in your post made me smile...just what you need before the holidays...NOT...hope all goes well.
Bore da pawb ...a routine (for me) 9.3. I have decided that this Christmas I shall only eat food that has a vowel in it Turkey, Cake & Trifle. Sprts, Cbbg, Brcll and other such tosh can go boil themselves!
I shall only be drinking drinks that don't have vowels in Wn, Prt, Br, Cdr & Gn (with some Tnc)
Morning all, back to finger pricking today. Those libre sensors are buggers to get off!!! 10.*cough* for me today. Off out for a 3 course dinner tonight with my pub quiz team buddies, dont do it often, so a light lunch and I'm looking forward to my pudding.