Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 5.6 today and off for a festive foot ulcer clinic visit, ohh the anticipation!🙄
Tie some tinsel around your foot @Flower, it'll prompt those normally shy and reticent people to comment! 😱 😉

I hope that you get some GOOD news from the clinic, keeping my fingers crossed for you! 🙂

@Hazel - another lantus reduction on the cards! 🙂

5.8 for me this morning 🙂
Well, I'm a boring 5.4. Yet another steady horizontal line on the Libre chart for the night. Oh, the joys of split dose Levemir 🙂. Mind you, this is all just practice for el pumpo.😉
A 6.1. for me. Good luck for today flower. I'm off for my festive bundle of meds from the doctor's and then a seasonal steroid injection into my shoulder later. I know how to live! 😎
Wow, you racy girl, I can't keep up with that. In an hour or so, we will be taxied into the big city - Tobermory, where my pal Heather will give me a haircut. That won't hurt, but your injection will, I fear.:confused:
Good morning 🙂 5.6 today and off for a festive foot ulcer clinic visit, ohh the anticipation!🙄

Sounds a fun line up Bloden, are they drinking games? 😉
Drunk 4-year-olds! Now there's an idea 🙄 (just kidding!).
Afternoon all. I don't know where the morning's gone, I've done nowt! Given Mum her Weetabix and that's about it.

5.6 for me on waking. It seems to be my default. 🙂
Afternoon all. I don't know where the morning's gone, I've done nowt! Given Mum her Weetabix and that's about it.

5.6 for me on waking. It seems to be my default. 🙂
Sometimes I'm not sure where the last ten years have gone! 😱 5.6 is a very healthy 'default' - hang on to it! 🙂
Good 5.3 for me to day. A reasonable 6.1 after breakfast and then I had turkey, stuffing, pigs in blanket and sprouts for lunch. 6.8 two hours later. Happy with that traded gravy for stuffing but may have both on Xmas day!
Good 5.3 for me to day. A reasonable 6.1 after breakfast and then I had turkey, stuffing, pigs in blanket and sprouts for lunch. 6.8 two hours later. Happy with that traded gravy for stuffing but may have both on Xmas day!
Those are great numbers - I'd say you can afford to treat yourself! 🙂
Just popping in to say Hi, my BG is boringly stable with the odd low. I am very busy at the mo, so not having much time on my hands.
Hi Owen...wondering where you were...wish my BG was boringly stable..over indulged yesterday...paying for it today.
Morning...yesterday great day with friends...ate couscous...home made quiche...paying for it this morning with a 7.9...but...I so enjoyed it:D:D:D...back on the wagon today.
Those are great numbers - I'd say you can afford to treat yourself! 🙂
Thank you. Was tired yesterday and had early night and forgot my metforim and woke to BG 4.6! Only second time ever under 5!
Good morning everyone. 8.3 today
5.2 this morning. Not too shabby considering I dropped Lantus by 3 units. Now down to an all time low of 18.
Thanks Alan. I plan to call the hospital tomorrow and keep them appraised.

It would be great if I can stop insulin altogether, by this time next year
Thanks Alan. I plan to call the hospital tomorrow and keep them appraised.

It would be great if I can stop insulin altogether, by this time next year
What sort of novorapid doses are you on? The way you've been going, I would say getting off the insulin altogether is a definite possibility 🙂 You'll be the new Halle Berry! 🙂