Group 7-day waking average?

4.8 this morning - not too shabby after a bad hypo in the early hours
Result! :D I think that's the key - plan a bit for it, put in a bit of effort beforehand, then you can enjoy it 🙂[/QUOTE
I'm out with the girls tonight for our Xmas bash so I think I'll follow your lead, Ibby, and have an active day to help my insulin cope with this evening's carbs.😛

Morning folks.🙂 6.8 here.:D

What a hooooorrible day - cold n wet. Looks like we picked a good day for some out-of-town shopping centre action.🙄
Hope it helps for you . Just have every thing but in smaller portions and enjoy x
Morning...couldn't sleep...numbers heading down again...6.6 today.

Another clickety click 6.6 here Bubbsie. I tried kicking the meter but it wouldn't budge. It kept flashing up, 'remember the scone, remember the scone!' :D
5.7 this morning. 🙂

Went right up yesterday, 6.9 after 4 Richmond's for breakfast, then 8.1 after cider vinegar stew with a fat dumpling for dinner. Won't do that again then or do you think that's okay every once in a while?

I'd have been pleased with both figures to be honest Ditto. They're well within NICE guidelines but I appreciate you're aiming for much lower. As I said on your other thread, Richmond sausages only have a 47% 'meat' content so a good chance the rest of the filling is carb based.
Good morning all 🙂 and I've been bad :( I deserve the 7.2 and need to get myself motivated. A painful foot for no reason has made walking difficult and my eating has been fun but wrong. 😱
So today I must get back in track!
Well, I'm feeling a bit better this morning. Everything is looking up. I woke with 4.8, after a sedate straight line descent from a bedtime 7.8. Also got a text from daughter telling me that she's through her probationary year with Savills and has been made permanent, with a 2k pay rise and funding to get the MRICS qualification. What a nice boost just before Christmas. She's worked hard for this.🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and I've been bad :( I deserve the 7.2 and need to get myself motivated. A painful foot for no reason has made walking difficult and my eating has been fun but wrong. 😱
So today I must get back in track!
Sorry to hear about the foot @Lindarose - was wondering why I hadn't seen any reports from you lately! I hope that whatever it is heals soon 🙂
It's good to hear you're feeling a bit better. That's great news about your Daughter
Morning all. Went to bed on 7.8, woke up on 7.8 :(
Morning all. Went to bed on 7.8, woke up on 7.8 :(
Hope those numbers come down today Ljc...fraught day working in London yesterday...afraid chickened out and didn't test when I got home...didn't dare😳...have a good weekend.
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Morning...6.9 today.
Good morning. 7.4 this morning. @Bubbsie what should normal be for waking? I rarely see below 7's.
Hi SadhbhFiad...normal would be around 6.5 or lower...that would convert to just below 48mmol..(think that's about right although others here might know better )...I started off at17.4 around five months an average of between 6.5 to 6.7 for the last thirty days...although been an up and down week for me...and I have gone up to 8's and 9's...which was in the circumstances was not coming down thankfully... we all want to get those numbers does take a while and you seem to be heading in the right direction...I was 'stuck' on 7's for some'll get there...just be patience with yourself.
Good morning. 7.4 this morning. @Bubbsie what should normal be for waking? I rarely see below 7's.
Are you testing before bed as well? It can be useful to see whether your levels are rising, falling, or staying steady overnight. Ideally, you want to be waking on a level between 4 and 7, but this is still early days for you Sadhbh, so don't worry, it can take a little while to get there 🙂

6.3 for me today 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and I've been bad :( I deserve the 7.2 and need to get myself motivated. A painful foot for no reason has made walking difficult and my eating has been fun but wrong. 😱
So today I must get back in track!
Hope that foot is easing off Linda...I've been 'bad' too...paying for back on the wagon...good luck...sure those numbers will be down asap.
Morning all. 6.7/7.3 to bed and 6.7/7.3 on waking. Pretty level inbetween.
5.4 this morning
Thanks very much Bubsie & Northerner.
I must be patient.
Not my strongest point! 😉
I have tested before bed a couple of times, but it's never seemed more than 8something at that point. I will try a few over the weekend.
They called me to know another Fasting Blood sugar for Wednesday (2 weeks out of hospital) so I would like to have a good number for that.
But I will assume that will not be showing patience...
Many thanks.
Morning all. 🙂 7.2 here. 😛
Good morning all 🙂 and a better 6.7 today.
My foot is painful to walk but that's unavoidable with work. I don't know where these random aches and pains come from but they are a bloomin' nuisance!