Group 7-day waking average?

6.8 on waking - had a 1.9 hypo in the early hours.
Ouch!:( I hope you haven't got too big a hypo-hangover.

Double ouch, Grainger!:( I always follow a splurge at McDonalds with a big supermarket shop - pushing a heavy trolley around usually does the trick (oh, and a special fast food ICR🙄). Hope you come down nice n quick.
Diabetes eh? Always a new day, something different every day. In the middle of the night I was 5.1. At 7.00 this morning I was 5.2. When I got out of bed at 10.00 (I know, I know) it was 2.9.

Must be a punishment from the great God Diabetes for having a lie in.
Ouch!:( I hope you haven't got too big a hypo-hangover.

Double ouch, Grainger!:( I always follow a splurge at McDonalds with a big supermarket shop - pushing a heavy trolley around usually does the trick (oh, and a special fast food ICR🙄). Hope you come down nice n quick.
Came down with a thump - 2.1 at 10am! Have a feeling it's just one of those impossible days today. Roll on tomorrow 🙂
Morning...a very snotty 6.4 today...cold lurking in the background...want to go back to bed!
I am tempted, but I don't have much to reduce. One jelly baby gets me above five to drive, so I'm just going to monitor it for a few more days. Currently on 3 units of lantus, plus a ratio of 1:20.
I am tempted, but I don't have much to reduce. One jelly baby gets me above five to drive, so I'm just going to monitor it for a few more days. Currently on 3 units of lantus, plus a ratio of 1:20.
Ah, I remember that tricky decision when on such a low dose - 1 unit equalling a third of your daily dose! Do you have a half unit lantus pen? The Sanofi Juniorstar does half units 🙂
Aw, sorry to hear this @Bubbsie :( I hope you feel better soon, and that your appointment goes well today - try not to cover the consultant in mucous! 😱 😉
Ooh...hadn't thought of that Northerner...must be extra careful and shove my hankie up my sleeve!
Morning all.🙂 6.5 here. 😛

More Xmas shopping today - thought I'd be really original and get hubby pants, socks, summat smelly, etc.
Roll on the weekend!😛
Bore da pawb... a 9.2 for me. I ate late last night but had felt rotten (low) from about 16:00 despite BGs coming in at 9. I felt loads better after eating.
Morning all.🙂 6.5 here. 😛

More Xmas shopping today - thought I'd be really original and get hubby pants, socks, summat smelly, etc.
Roll on the weekend!😛
Save money...Just give him the Pants and socks, they'll be smelly themselves in no time :D:D
Morning all. A flapjack induced 6.8 for me or 6.2 on the libre
Morning all, snap, Northie, 6.1 here too.
Good luck with the consultant today, Bubbsie.
And a comedy tie? 🙂
It'd be hidden by his gawd-awful roadkill-like beard!🙄 Maybe I can get him a smooth, chiselled chin prosthesis (like Kenny Everett used to wear when he did his French man skit).😛 Thanks for your I know what to get him!:D
Morning all. Pups let me have a lie in this morning so I feel slightly more human! 5.9 (5.3 libre) for me today.