Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. Crappy 15 from me. I'm clearly over eating after my hypo... must control the hunger.
Morning everyone, 10.7 for me today. Just had a text to say a parcel is due for delivery today, hoping it could be my libre.
Morning. Crappy 15 from me. I'm clearly over eating after my hypo... must control the hunger.
Hard to be disciplined sometimes - if I'm especially hungry after a hypo ! try and follow up the hypo treatment with something like cheese, or even cheese on toast - I always find it helps stop the munchies with minimum extra impact on levels 🙂 Hope your levels stabilise after quite a few ups and downs lately {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning all 😉 and 6.6 for me today.
Good morning everyone. 6.5 this chilly morning.
5.0 this morning
After a horrid night, I'm happy to sing 'Your the one that I want' with a 5.8! 🙂

Have a good start to the weekend everyone x
Morning all, a lovely house special 5.2 today, very nice after an 8.0 before bed last night - probably the late nibbles I had after coming in from my singing group rehearsal...
If it's from DPD it may well be
Yep, it's from DPD. It's gone to MIL's house, so I'll get it later when we take her shopping.
Yep, it's from DPD. It's gone to MIL's house, so I'll get it later when we take her shopping.
Ooh, exciting. Try and be patient, and don't activate the sensor for at least 12 hours after you've inserted it, you'll get more accurate results from the start. I got impatient with my last sensor, and started it after 6 hrs, and had to disregard the first nights readings because they said I'd been in the 2s and 3s all night, when I knew I hadn't.
Ooh, exciting. Try and be patient, and don't activate the sensor for at least 12 hours after you've inserted it, you'll get more accurate results from the start. I got impatient with my last sensor, and started it after 6 hrs, and had to disregard the first nights readings because they said I'd been in the 2s and 3s all night, when I knew I hadn't.
Thanks for the tip Robin.
Good morning everyone. 6.1 today
Morning everyone, 10.7 for me today. Just had a text to say a parcel is due for delivery today, hoping it could be my libre.
Hope so Stitch. appointments with medics for almost the next month...and a 5.9 today...great start to the weekend.