Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, a 5.5 today after a few higher numbers - which I think were due to a tickly sore throat that never developed into anything.
I was 5.1 this morning, and most of the night according to Monsieur Libre. Who's a clever boy, then?🙂
Bit late today but it was a 5.1 for me today. Sensitivity to insulin seems to finally be returning 🙂
Morning all.🙂 A chilly ffff-5.ffff-5 here (well, chilly until the sun comes out😎😛).
It' a 6.9 for me.
Bore da pawb... it's a 9.5 for me this morning (after a couple of chocs from a Christmas tub of sweeties last evening).
6.8 on waking - had a 1.9 hypo in the early hours.
Morning everyone. A not so good 8.9 :( for me today. Am off for my hospital appointment soon.
5.1 here, and white rabbits and congrats on the HS to you, Flower.
Ooh, Hazel, that was low! Hope you haven't got post hypo headache this morning.
Morning all, hope you all had your advent calendar choccies. A miserable 11.3 for me today. :( My libre has been dispatched so hopefully i'll get that soon and see whats going on.
Morning all - 17.4 here :(. New set in and an acknowledgement that McDonald's hates me and I'm ready to start the day!
Morning all - 17.4 here :(. New set in and an acknowledgement that McDonald's hates me and I'm ready to start the day!

Ooo commiserations to the high flyers this morning and hope you're ok now Hazel. That is low.
Good luck for the appt Ljc.
And I also sinned with a couple of
choccies Jonsi. But they were nice! 🙂

Haven't tested follow when I can bear to take my bedsocks off! 😱
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Good morning all 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Hope the higher numbers soon drop to a nice level. And good luck for today Ljc.
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Snap @Northerner 6.8 for me too unless you believe the libre in which case I should be shoveling the carbs down my throat at a 3.1
Oh, I HATE it when the Libre reads lower than my glucose meter!:confused: I hope it starts to behave itself, khskel.🙂