Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb... a flippin' freezing 8.3 for me.
Bit off an odd one for me today. Libre and finger prick tests normally show pretty much the same on waking but today finger prick is 7.3 and libre 6.0. o_O
Morning all 5.5 for me. 5.6 before bed with a 6.5 and 6.9 inbetween. I'm seeing a pattern here. Have a good day one and all.
Morning good people.🙂 A hormone-fuelled 10.1 here...ah, the menopause, it's just a second adolescence, dim prob!:confused:o_O
Morning! It's a 6.3 for me today. I think my eye is slowly getting better. Certainly less vision issues.🙂
Good morning everyone. A not happy 9.5 No idea why.
Morning all, a delightful 10.8 for me today!
Morning 🙂 a 7.6 today and feeling quite rough . Off to get the stitches taken out of my hand and spread my poorly throat/cold combo amongst the unsuspecting masses 😉

Student nurse sounds good Owen 🙂
5.1 today for this old student nurse, yes t that's right I am on the first step.
Owen well done...fabulous news.
Morning 🙂 a 7.6 today and feeling quite rough . Off to get the stitches taken out of my hand and spread my poorly throat/cold combo amongst the unsuspecting masses 😉

Student nurse sounds good Owen 🙂
Hope its not too painful...and a large hot toddy prescribed for the throat...of course after the stitches are taken out.
Morning all. 8.9 for me today - I'm guessing eating a whole sharing bag of malteasers caught up with me. No judgements I've had a shockingly awful week!
Morning all. 8.9 for me today - I'm guessing eating a whole sharing bag of malteasers caught up with me. No judgements I've had a shockingly awful week!
Gah! So much for Maltesers being light! 🙄 Try one of those treble-wave-multi-bolus-magic-wizard-tricks on your pump next time (think that's what they are called 😉) {{{HUGS}}}