Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...6.2 today.
7.2 this morning , goes to show how inportant light exercise can be , not did my daily half hour walk around house as partner is going through another bad spell .
Sorry to hear that James...hope today is better for you both.
Budge up Northie, it's a 6.4 for me as well this morning.🙂
Morning all. 10.2 for me this morning. Our for brekkie and off to a Christmas fair with my bestie today. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
Bore da pawb... a rotten 11.2 for me this morning. Ear inflammation has come back which is a bit annoying. Chainsawing logs this morning should bring my numbers down.
Morning all. 8.1 for me but I'll take that after a hypo at 11pm last night then spiked to 15 at 3am... I blame the curry... must learn the tricks of the pump. Happy Sunday all x
Morning all! Didn't test on waking, but 5.7 before bacon protein roll.🙂
Oh fear, just wakened, not like me, hate wakening late, such a waste of a day.
A sad 6.1

Just as well I did not drop the Lantus
Oh fear, just wakened, not like me, hate wakening late, such a waste of a day.
A sad 6.1

Just as well I did not drop the Lantus
Hazel, 6.1 is not sad, it's excellent! 🙂 If I sleep in a bit my levels have usually crept up a bit, probably an element of Dawn Phenomenon. Hope it's not an indication of coming down with a cold or something though, if you were extra tired {{{HUGS}}} Hope your day goes well 🙂
Morning...6.7 today.