Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...6.5 for me today...
Morning all 7 on the dot. Basal tests next week. Some strange BG rises and falls here.
Good morning everyone. 8.4 after a 3.30am correction. I just can't get my night time levels right.
Morning. And a 6.4 to finish off the week.
Morning all, 9.7 for me today.
Some strange BG rises and falls here.

Same here, khskel.:confused: I hope you get to the bottom of your roller coaster readings asap...mine are driving me up the wall.o_O

Morning all.🙂 4.7 here. There's a definite nip in the air today, but the sun's shining. 😛

Who ARE these people, Flower?! What a weird comment...😱

Have a fab weekend ev1!
Morning , I've only got and gone another 5.2 today 🙂

Who ARE these people, Flower?! What a weird comment...😱

I seem to attract comments usually by having one or both legs in casts which I've sort of got used to. I've got my hand in a big bandage at present and the man at the foot clinic must have decided I looked sufficiently away with the fairies to be sitting in the wrong clinic o_O I try to look grumpy to put people off commenting but it isn't working!
Morning all! 6.3 today. Not bad considering my carby tea last night of Youngs Gastro fish, peas & new potatoes plus a chioux bun for pud, which took me up to 6.8.🙂
Morning all! 6.3 today. Not bad considering my carby tea last night of Youngs Gastro fish, peas & new potatoes plus a chioux bun for pud, which took me up to 6.8.🙂

I wish I could eat like you and get those results Mark. :(
It's odd, because when I'm really trying & go for something low carb, my figures go higher than when I'm not trying. The fish, which was breaded, wasn't bad at 14.9g per portion.
A late rise for me - 4.8
Thank you @Northerner

Not due back to the Diabetic clinic until April.
Lantus steady at 30.

Will leave it for now, but no more major changes, just one unit at a time.

How are you keeping?
8.1 here. Not surprised, had the dentist first thing, and although everything's fine, and I expected everything to be fine, and my dentist is lovely, the thought of it still stressed me out!
I wish I could eat like you and get those results Mark. :(
Same here Stitch ...I only have to talk about eating chips or thinking about a Rice pudding and my levels go up. If I actually eat chips or rice I can add at least 5 to my BGs (If I eat Takeaway Chicken Fried Rice I can get up to 17!!

Splitting my Humulin-I 20/20 has ironed out the evening spikes BUT ...isn't bringing my levels down low enough (no, I've not been eating Chinese food) ...still hovering around the 10's consistently throughout the day. I might risk the wrath of the DSN and increase my split to 24/24 (I don't see her until Jan/Feb anyway)
Same here Stitch ...I only have to talk about eating chips or thinking about a Rice pudding and my levels go up. If I actually eat chips or rice I can add at least 5 to my BGs (If I eat Takeaway Chicken Fried Rice I can get up to 17!!

Splitting my Humulin-I 20/20 has ironed out the evening spikes BUT ...isn't bringing my levels down low enough (no, I've not been eating Chinese food) ...still hovering around the 10's consistently throughout the day. I might risk the wrath of the DSN and increase my split to 24/24 (I don't see her until Jan/Feb anyway)

Must be frustrating as hell for you Jonsi. I'm not up on these meds but sounds like you need the cavalry bringing in! 😉
Thank you @Northerner

Not due back to the Diabetic clinic until April.
Lantus steady at 30.

Will leave it for now, but no more major changes, just one unit at a time.

How are you keeping?
They are going to be so surprised and amazed at your progress! 🙂

I'm fine thanks @Hazel 🙂 Blood pressure has been up this week for some reason, which is a bit alarming as it's the only factor I can really improve on to stop the problem with my eyes getting any worse. Not terrible though, but might consider raising my BP meds if it persists, I'm currently on a very low dose 🙂