Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all , glad to see you're all better Northie . 6.3 for me today :( Too much pizza , not enough exercise ! Big dog walk today , hopefully that'll sort it !
Wouldn't mind a 6.3 Pat...especially after Pizza...
A 6.2 for me this morning after a full day of appointments yesterday. Unfortunately my cancer is a bit further over the start line than I'd hoped but to be expected in the scheme of things :(

Sorry you're having such a rough time flower but hope to see you bandage free in the near future and hope the carpal tunnel surgery has done the trick.
Amigo...big hug on its way...sorry to hear that!
A 6.2 for me this morning after a full day of appointments yesterday. Unfortunately my cancer is a bit further over the start line than I'd hoped but to be expected in the scheme of things :(
Bugger. Sorry to hear this Amigo. X
A 6.2 for me this morning after a full day of appointments yesterday. Unfortunately my cancer is a bit further over the start line than I'd hoped but to be expected in the scheme of things :(

Sorry you're having such a rough time flower but hope to see you bandage free in the near future and hope the carpal tunnel surgery has done the trick.
I'm sorry to hear your news Amigo , sending (((hugs))) and positive thoughts .
Amigo I'm so sorry to hear this. Massive hugs for you xxx
A 6.2 for me this morning after a full day of appointments yesterday. Unfortunately my cancer is a bit further over the start line than I'd hoped but to be expected in the scheme of things :(.
Sorry to hear this, Amigo. Have some (((abracitos))).
Sending more hugs, Amigo
and Flower too
8.2 for me this morning, I am running a bit high with the transition to Tresiba because I underdosed slightly the first couple of days in case of allergic reactions. Seems fine so far, so I will be back to normal dose (ie same dose I had of Lantus) as of tonight, and once I've got that established and all the Lantus out of my system I'll do some basal testing.
Hugs to Amigo x
An annoying 10.3 for me this morning. 13.1 before bed then I remembered I'd forgotten my evening injection(which I then did). I expected lower.:(
Morning...slightly better 6.2 today...
Morning. 6.6 today.
Morning all. A slghtly dodgy 7.2 for me. Digestion def slower in the evening. Some structured testing required.
Good morning everyone. 7.2 for me too
8.2 for me this morning, I am running a bit high with the transition to Tresiba because I underdosed slightly the first couple of days in case of allergic reactions. Seems fine so far, so I will be back to normal dose (ie same dose I had of Lantus) as of tonight, and once I've got that established and all the Lantus out of my system I'll do some basal testing.
Sounds promising...keep on keeping us posted plz Juliet - I'm hoping to change to Tresiba in the new year (Lantus must be on to me cos it's been behaving for the last few weeks🙄).

Morning all.🙂 7.6 here and a cause for celebration (drum roll): a 3 mmols drop overnight. I told you Lantus was behaving!

Weather's like a healthy pup's nose this morning - cold n wet.:confused:🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and a much better 6.2 if I may sit with you bubbsie?
Had a much less fun evenings eating and it shows 😉